You Can’t Burn Down the House to Get Rid of the Rats
I have previously voiced my concerns about Donald Trump and his team. If you recall we have found compelling evidence that Donald Trump used British resources to finance Truth Social. Why do you think the British Crown would finance Truth Social? To establish Truth Social, Trump’s law firm and broker were as follows…
Trump’s Law Firm: Nelson Mullins Riley & Scarborough LLP (Columbia, SC)
Notable Alumni: Marco Rubio, Trey Gowdy, Philip Lader (former U.S. Ambassador to the Court of St. James’s)
Trump’s Broker: EF Hutton (re-established in 2021)
Benchmark Holdings, LLC — the Brokerage License used by EF Hutton
owned by:
Kingswood Capital Markets
owned by:
Kingswood Holdings Ltd.
owned by:
Kingswood USA
owned by:
Kingswood Holdings Ltd. (UK, London Stock Market)
owned by:
KPI Nominees Ltd.
owned by:
Kingswood Property Finance Ltd Partnership
owned by:
Gamut LLP (sole controlling shareholder Gary Spencer Wilder)
owned by:
Coutts Bank (first appeared when investigating DeSantis’ sister’s death)
owned by:
(stated owner in financial reports for Coutts Bank is “The British Treasury”)
Lombard North Central PLC
(stated owner in financial reports for Lombard North West is “The British Treasury”)
owned by:
NatWest Group PLC (wholly owned by the British Treasury / British Government — a public co.)
owned by:
British Treasury
NOTE: NatWest — used to be Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS)
To better understand what’s going on, Trump is indeed an asset of the Monarchists. The monarchists can take credit for manufacturing the world we know and see today. The only difference between their feudal societies and modern industrialized economies is what their money went to finance. In a feudal society, they paid for our living expenses like that cow or horse we always wanted to buy or for building and repairing our homes. Today, their money goes to build corporations, businesses, and utilities. The American model of Capitalism was their creation. That’s why we have planned obsolescence and economies are geared toward volume — in other words, quantity over quality — to maximize profits. They have successfully separated the population into consumers and producers, but who owns all the means to production? They financed our industrial revolution and helped construct our American and New York stock exchanges. What you may not know is they also helped us construct our National Security State too.
However, today EVERY COUNTRY in the world is aligned with our American Deep State. In the 15 years that America’s (really Britain’s) War on Terror was executed we engaged in many nefarious and illegal operations. Why didn’t anyone speak up against America for what it was doing in the Middle East and around the world? Extraordinary renditioning, torture, drone assassinations (including American citizens who are guaranteed due process by our US Constitution), Arab Spring (which we helped facilitate), etc. What that means is that they are all corrupt and/or complicit.
The only convincing argument why none of them said anything during America’s decade of war crimes is from Russian President Vladimir Putin who stated that if Russia started speaking the truth and the West controls the lion’s share of the media outlets around the world, the result would be an information war that they could not win. Even if Russia controlled all Russian media, all the English, French, Spanish, and a dozen other languages media industries are controlled or influenced by America.
Additionally, why did the entire world seemingly cooperate with the COVID pandemic lies (or psychological operation — PSYOP)? And here’s another question for you: “If the Anglo-American Empire is a suppressive regime, why do the other countries remain silent while our population awakens?” (In other words, if they were eager for Americans to awaken from their ‘prison,’ wouldn’t this be the best opportunity for them to slowly awaken their own populations to the truth? But why aren’t they doing it? They too benefited from this paradigm of the 20th century. They too are reluctant to forfeit power. They too cling to their power.)
If our Anglo-American Empire helped establish all these regimes, then they too have a vested interest in remaining below the radar because once their peoples all discover the truth — they lose power. So, if the paradigm that we constructed for the 20th century is based on fierce competition, almost deifying competition, then the BRICS countries may just have the idea that they can TAKE power from the Anglo-American Empire. If they knew the Deep State’s plan included weakening itself to convince other countries that now was the time to overthrow the Anglo-American Empire, but rather than risk total ruin of their countries in a military conflagration, maybe they could challenge the Anglo-American Empire another way.
We attempted to lull them into a military conflict, but the other countries did not take the bait for a military confrontation. Instead, they have decided to contest America’s supremacy — or hegemony — by challenging America and its allies economically.
We commonly take clues from our environment about what is tolerable or acceptable within our societies. These clues are called “social proofs” or “norms.” For example, why did they put laugh tracks on TV shows? We heard the laughter and that gave us permission to laugh. Everyone else was laughing, apparently. We heard the laughter. Even shows like “Family Ties,” where the main character Alex Keaton (Michael J. Fox) and his sister, Mallory (Justine Bateman) would say things to each other — especially Alex to his sister — things you would never say to your sister! If you recall, we all laughed at these insults, but you probably said to yourself, “That’s a horrible thing to say to your sister!” or “I would never say anything like that to my sister in a million years.” (unless, of course, I wanted a handprint on my face). The vitriolic and despicable things they said to each other we laughed at. Why? We heard the laugh track and assumed it was the normal response. That’s a social proof.
If you go to a dinner party and you’re not sure if there is a dress code, what’s the first thing you do once you arrive at the party? You read the room. Why? No one wants to be the pariah. Everyone wants to be accepted. Unless you’re an exhibitionist, everyone wants to blend in. Again, you read the room because we ascertain from our surroundings what is acceptable or proper. These are the social proofs. In other words, the individual doesn’t dictate to the society what is acceptable, but the society dictates to the individual what is acceptable.
This is what John Locke said about society. The society we wish to become a member of, we surrender to the society our own sovereignty or our own authority to choose what is right or wrong. That’s an awful lot of power to surrender to someone else. We agree to abide by whatever the collective dictates. If you say go on green lights and stop on red lights, so be it, I’ll do it! We acknowledge that a standard must be set for everyone to get along or remain safe. Who sets that standard?
Hopefully, Trump and his team represent a bloc within the Monarchists who acknowledge that the gig is up. They realize that they can no longer fool the people. The echo chamber that they confined our ancestors to has finally been cracked. This echo chamber used to be comprised of a monopoly over the message from religious scriptures. Most people couldn’t read or write and to ensure no one learned to read, sermons were given in Latin. Besides, most common people never entertained the idea of even trying to read. It was Martin Luther who started us down this path to freedom. Once we had incentive to read and write our own languages (because fixed print meant mass production of the Bible in various languages) people could learn for themselves and discern for themselves what was true or false. Today, in our quest for truth we have the Internet at our disposal.
“Knowledge is power,” is an adage that we’ve all heard. If you can monopolize the information, then you effectively create an echo chamber. That’s why they monopolized printed media by 1917. Radio and television were not commercially available until 1920 and 1941, respectively. They quickly monopolized all the forms of communication within the Industrial era. However, they grossly underestimated the impact of the Internet. The Internet cracked their echo chamber. Today, everyone has a smart phone in their pocket with a recording device. Today, if people dispute the facts, eyewitnesses can show what happened because they can record events as they happen and can offer video footage to prove it. Creating their echo chambers meant they could fake social proofs. You only think that supporting the war is popular, when it’s not. They can make almost anything seem more popular than it really is — including their political candidates.
If this bloc truly acknowledges that the gig is up, how do you contend with all the other corrupt actors around the world that we helped put into power? Do they think America is now easy prey? Do they have their sights on taking us down?
If their intent is to clean up the mess they created, how will they contend with the other corrupt regimes? Remember, to do this right there must be a holistic fix. In other words, the entire world will need to agree to it. This Second American Revolution isn’t just for America, but for the entire planet. Anything worth doing never comes easy. Once, we American citizens have taught our Elites that we are no longer suckers, we will still need to remain vigilant during the rest of the world’s awakening. If we leave the corrupt actors in place — the ones that we helped PLANT there, they won’t be too enthusiastic about cooperating. Especially, when truth includes cleaning up crime. However, most people around the world all want the same things — like peace and security. We owe it to our fellow citizens of Earth that they too deserve the truth.
This is why Trump is coming out swinging. This is why he talks about tariffs and the Panama Canal and taking on the BRICS alliance. In other words, he’s a competitor! He’s our champion. He’s warning the other Deep States that if they wish to compete with us rather than cooperate, they are on a path that could be detrimental to their countries. If the other corrupt regimes are smart, they know the game is rigged. They know that the lower and middle classes are just kept busy, so they remain more manageable (read controllable). They know the planned obsolescence and economies of scale are meant just to justify intellectual property claims, profit-taking, and it too helps create jobs dealing with transportation. They know the entire paradigm is built around quantity rather than quality. They know the entire paradigm is built around scarcity rather than abundance. They know the entire paradigm is built around a Ponzi scheme because they’ve never been able to create enough jobs. They recognize that even the average citizen today can ascertain this. If they’re smart, if they cannot successfully distract us, they will recognize that the gig is up. In the past centuries, they distracted us with wars, but are we beyond that?
If the citizens of the world see how America is changing, maybe they too can change. This fix will not be within one presidential administration. The transition will take years. However, that’s why it’s important to be honest with our kids and help arm them with the truth about what our Deep State is and what they did (like the COVID pandemic, January 6th, Maui, etc.)
America must remain strong to lead the world to such a righteous conclusion. You cannot burn down the house to rid it of rats. The process must be methodical. However, that means we must remain vigilant because what we WANT is not what they want — or typically it hasn’t been the same. However, the only way we’ll know for sure is by giving them time to give us what WE WANT. We want the TRUTH. No more games! No more lies! Give us the truth! We’re all adults and can discern for ourselves what is in our interest. We don’t need or even want a nanny state to censor speech to PROTECT us. Any degree of censorship is wrong. This is why Elon Musk must be very careful. He claims to be an absolutist concerning free speech, but even he has faced accusations of banning people from X due to a difference of opinion. I don’t know if the allegations are true or not, but these are serious allegations. His stated purpose for purchasing Twitter a year ago was distinctly for the protection of free speech.
Recently, I have been reflecting on the debate regarding H-1B visas and Steve Bannon respectably — in a backhanded kind of way — implied Elon was an American oligarch. Considering my allegations above, when I also consider the number of channels devoted to singing praises or enlightening us on this man, Elon Musk, I can’t help but feel that I am being propagandized to. Is he everything they say or is this just an attempt to make us more compliant? Hopefully, the problem the Monarchists will face — or should face — is that after the Great Awakening — Americans are hyper-paranoid, but with good reason. Hopefully, Americans won’t suffer selective memory anytime soon. Americans need to remember everything these people have done, are doing, and planned to do. Even these people caught on tape by James O’Keefe recently, seemingly think it’s a joke, but the reason they take the repercussions so lightly is because none of their people have had any consequences for malfeasance or corruption. Let’s hope Trump and his team can, at least, restore confidence in our judiciary and legal system (particularly those agencies of the executive branch.) One POTUS probably can’t restore faith in our legislature. Time will tell. We’re watching, Mr. President, please don’t let us down.