In 1776, we Americans were divided into two camps — the Patriots and the Loyalists. Today, we also find ourselves divided into these same two camps. The Patriots are those of us who like the America we were regaled with as children. The earnest pursuit for freedom, independence, dignity, and prosperity for all. The efforts of our forebears are cherished feats which should not, no — can not be wasted! Their sacrifices shall not be in vain! The Loyalists — those who mock us for thinking we’re their equal. However, these Elitist snobs are in for a rude awakening — we ARE their equal — and it is high time that took our rightful place at the forefront of society. We will take our rightful place as society’s vanguard.
However, if we truly wish to take our rightful place as society’s vanguard, we must change our ways. No more apathy! We must hold our politicians’ feet to the fire. We should no longer allow them to escape responsibility. Make them accountable to us — the People! We should ensure that they know our demands. The issues we find most important must be part of any platform for the candidate we choose. These issues should serve as a “honey-do” list for them once they’re in the White House. Coerce them to make the campaign promises that we insist upon. This wish list shouldn’t be exceedingly long; however it should contain items that serve as a metric for us to measure, “Is the president serving our needs?”
Things that all freedom-loving Americans can hopefully agree upon are:
1. Freedom for Assange!
2. Freedom for Snowden!
3. Justice for the families of victims of 911. (Reopen the 911 investigation. Anything less is just words. Actions speak louder than words. Talk is cheap!)
4. The families of the 911 victims should be provided a platform so that they may address the nation whether they feel that they are being treated fairly or not. This will serve as a means for healing the community. We’re in this together. We are your neighbors — regardless of distance.
5. Repeal the National Security Act of 1947 (resulting in the abolition of the Pentagon, CIA, Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the National Security Council (NSC))
6. We should also demand the abolition of DARPA.
7. Abolish the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).
8. Abolish the Federal Reserve.
9. Revisit the Flexner Report (1910). Justice for Dr. Royal Rife and Dr. Judy Mikovits. Abolish the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).
10.Demand investigations into massive corruption and foreign subversion in America’s corporations, universities, and think tanks.
Reconcile when possible. However, if you grow weary of Loyalists parading around as Patriots — you’re not alone. The longer we wait to rid ourselves of this pestilence, the more likely we will succumb to its influence. They are the masters at playing the victim. Show them no pity.
The only reason we’re having to go through this exercise now is because our ancestors are people of great mercy and tolerance. The Monarchists of yesteryear have displayed a cunning and ruthlessness and callousness that needs to be destroyed… obliterated! Swept from the face of the Earth! It is a scourge which must be removed! This is how they repay our ancestors’ mercy? These people know no decency! They show no remorse!
If you genuinely believe that we have evolved to a point where capital punishment is not an option, may I offer a remedy? Banish them! Banish them to Gitmo! (or Epstein Island) Banishment will show them mercy but will give them what they justly and belatedly deserve — some humility! These people need to know humility. For them, it would probably be a fate worse than death!
They and their institutions need to be razed to the ground. As war profiteers, they have shown themselves to be masters of disloyalty and dishonor. They are without credibility. How will you ever be able to trust these people again? They have pledged fealty to the enemies of America and then — like a spy on a covert mission — remained in-character and subvert everything we hold dear! They are enemies of the state! They are enemies of America. Their betrayal is worse than that of an adversary. You expect an adversary to betray you, but these people pretend to be your friend, your mentor, your boss, your pillar of society! The sting of their betrayal is intensified by their feigning empathy and affable nature. In reality though, they are destitute of any real character. They are void any true compassion. Their passion lies solely with the acquisition of material things or power. How else could you explain their complicity is such a scandalous and depraved coup? They have usurped your and my birthright. We, as Americans, have a birthright to have our voices heard and to partake in the greatest social experiment in history. We have been deprived this birthright. My grandfather lived his entire life being denied his and yet he was never aware. Generations have passed into oblivion. What is the real reason that Lady Diana had to perish? She was a woman of compassion. If it were not for her efforts, we would probably still see landmines and cluster bombs as a major American export.