This was intended to be my first article since January 20, 2021 when I was hopeful that those with any integrity would prevent the American election from being stolen. The election process has been made a mockery. The disdain I feel toward those who were in position to do something about this and did nothing consumes me still. I tried to put off writing until after these feelings had passed, but perhaps my anger needs to be expressed. The betrayal still stings. We have all been betrayed.
I apologize if I state the obvious, but considering everything we’ve seen recently — there are only three distinct possibilities:
First, is that Trump is a Black Hat and a willing participant. He is their prodigal son… their sleeper agent… a plant… manufactured dissent (or whatever you want to call it.)
Second, is that Trump perhaps started out as a White Hat but was either beguiled or coerced into the things he did… he too is a victim, a stooge, a sucker… played like the rest of us. Perhaps, January 20th, Trump found a knife in his back like the rest of us.
Third, is that Trump is a White Hat, but perhaps something the White Hats saw made them change their plans (perhaps there never was the intention of wrapping this up quickly within one term, perhaps the awakening of the American public was less successful than projected, OR perhaps there has been a new development.) We have discussed previously how no one is smarter than the collective. “No one of us is as smart as all of us.” Different people have different perspectives and different insights. Perhaps one of the awakened made the White Hats aware of something that they hadn’t considered. Perhaps new insights required them to reassess their plan.
I honestly don’t know about Donald Trump. However, I presume the worst. I presume Trump has always been part of the establishment and is manufactured dissent. Understand, if this statement is true, then “the Establishment’s” hold on power is not only extensive but approaches absolute. If you look up words like arbitrary and tyrannical, you will soon realize that both apply to our present predicament. We live in surreal times. If dreaming, I’d like for someone to pinch me and awaken me from this nightmare. I’ll defend this assessment in a moment.
However, if we decide to acquiesce… if we decide to concede, I offer a Best-Case Scenario versus a Worst-Case Scenario. If the Deep State has won, what are the possible outcomes? Neither is likely to happen, but I share these with you to offer you different perspectives. One is ideal while the alternative is horrendous. If there is anyone out there who reads this that could actually allow for or make the ideal scenario possible — I beseech you, please do something that can preserve the dignity of all. People deserve it. Additionally, because it’s the right thing to do. Stand for principle, for dignity, for integrity.
Best-Case Scenario: This scenario involves our Elites being largely vilified and misunderstood. It presumes that the rumors of pedophilia, cannibalism, and any other form of deviant behavior imaginable to be unfounded and just a means for the intelligence community (IC) to manufacture a block of dissenting voters.
In a Best-Case Scenario, you will come to understand that science is NOT the antithesis to religion. Your faith — when you are truly forthright with yourself — you will come to the realization that your faith has been in a book, not a deity. An army of scribes, scholars, and scientists helped shape your belief system. The theologians went to great lengths to shape a narrative that was palatable for the masses.
In a Best-Case Scenario, you will find that without the existence of a fictitious god — YOUR fictitious god — there is no reason to persecute — or even rebuke — your fellow citizens for homosexuality, sodomy, oral sex, wearing clothing of mixed fibers, etc. If you’ve ever wondered why god allows such “evil” — it’s because he doesn’t exist, and he never did.
Rumors abound about Pizzagate. Are these only rumors? Will we ever know the truth? Perhaps not. Regardless, the harsh measures to win power and consolidate power used by our world elite may come to an end. Perhaps the tricks used to manipulate our politicians will be suspended because they are no longer needed. These harsh measures were only temporary; a means to crack a few eggs in order to make an omelet. The few vices of humanity can be summed up thus: People either want one of four/five things — political power/influence, financial affluence, celebrity/fame or some form of recognition for a job well done — an attaboy — and lastly people want some gratification derived from accomplishment of a goal or holding to some principle/ideal.
The truly affluent are the ruling elite. However, they do share a small portion of the wealth and have created billionaires worldwide, but only if these billionaires were willing to go along with their narrative. This is, of course, where the ruling elite’s understanding of government is paramount. They understood that as John Locke wrote in his Second Treatise of Government that humans alone — outside of community — we are absolutely, totally free but by coming together, humanity agrees to subjugate themselves to the rules of the community for the greater good.
This realization also allowed for the invention of money. If every man dictates which laws that they will follow, the result is anarchy. Each man is his/her own deity. However, if everyone agrees to abide by the laws of the group/community/society, then the society dictates to the individual what is normal, acceptable, or tolerable within the society. In other words — we allow the group to dictate to us what has value and what does not. Therefore, you or I accept that gold has value — because we’re told it has value. Monetization is only possible due to this dynamic. We all consent to forego creating laws for ourselves and acquiesce to the laws of society.
Therefore, the Satanic rituals that have allegedly implicated many of the world’s top politicians, athletes and actors have no meaning or purpose other than it gives the ruling elite an opportunity to catch these actors, politicians, or business elite in compromising situations thereby giving themselves leverage (control) over them. Anyone who has been given a platform to espouse social values has had to be controlled in some fashion or another.
Edward Bernays was the nephew to Sigmund Freud, but he made a name for himself as the “Father of Public Relations.” His innovations for marketing were utilized by propaganda ministers worldwide — including Nazi Germany.
In the book “Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion,” Dr. Robert B. Cialdini, Ph.D., summarizes what Bernays discovered decades earlier. He discusses the six triggers (he calls them ‘principles’) that people program themselves to respond to within a society. Those six triggers are: reciprocity, consistency, social proof (norms), liking, authority, and scarcity.
Quick review in summary:
1) RECIPROCITY: If someone does something nice for you, you almost feel compelled to reciprocate the generosity.
2) CONSISTENCY: We are taught that consistency builds character and can lead to success in life. We are compelled to stay consistent in our actions — a devotion to one’s principles/ideals.
3) SOCIAL PROOF: We seek to meet the society’s norms, “What would he/she do in a similar situation?” We seek to stay ‘within bounds’ of what is acceptable or tolerable within society.
4) LIKING: We tend to trust, admire and/or respect those that we like. This is the reason celebrities and sports stars are selected for product endorsements.
5) AUTHORITY: Any role-model can serve as an authority figure. Police should be exemplary citizens — serving by example. Teachers, preachers, politicians, doctors, etc. are all targeted.
6) SCARCITY: People tend to value things that are more difficult to acquire.
Knowledge is power. Anyone possessing this knowledge knows exactly which buttons to push to trigger people to get them to behave in predictable ways. These are general rules, not absolute, but they don’t need to be absolutely effective. These triggers generally compel 60–93% to act a certain way. They are most effective when people are unaware of the ulterior motives behind those that deploy them.
Also, you can find arguments online using these same sources (Edward Bernays and others) to defend HRC. Yes, there is propaganda out there that uses these very principles to spin a narrative that we are the ones delusional simply because we are not content with letting the JFK assassination go by without an explanation. We want to know why the USS Liberty or the martyrs of Benghazi were abandoned. We want explanations into why the intelligence community (IC) continues to break our laws and violate our civil liberties. We also desire to sate our curiosity into what all these National Security secrets are that are supposedly being kept keeping us safe. We raise questions when a cell phone maintains a good connection for 20 minutes at 30,000 feet, but the technology at the time was effective at a maximum of 8,000 feet. We raise questions when logic dictates that the collapsing WTC buildings’ videos contradict the official narratives. We demand answers when the entire establishment swears “It’s a slam dunk” (George Tenet, CIA Director) that Iraq had WMDs. We are tired of the lies. How many lies must a girlfriend/boyfriend be caught in before they’re kicked to the curb? We demand the truth. We deserve the truth.
To close with the Best-Case Scenario, living with the Deep State at the helm won’t be that bad. It can be argued that they have demonstrated a degree of benevolence. Their use of False Flags has been less severe in recent years. The 911 False Flag could actually have been much worse than it was. Additionally, if Dr. Thomas Cowan is wrong and the Deep State could have actually created a pathogen that could selectively wipe out populations, then the COVID-19 would demonstrate benevolent intent. The rumors spread about HRC and her ilk were simply a means to build an opposition party. Instead, what if the globalists are truly benevolent and simply wish to see humanity come together and develop a planetary government and economy. In order to do this, they had to trick us because we were too judgmental, partial or biased to refrain from killing each other or going to war at the drop of a hat. We needed their guidance and stewardship. We should be thanking them for leading us to a global society without a nuclear war. (We’re not there yet… who says it won’t include a nuclear war?) According to Jesse Ventura there could be as many as a dozen underground cities in the United States alone. Could these be bunkers to protect us from an apocalyptic war? Who knows, right?
Worst-Case Scenario: This scenario includes former president Donald Trump as Manufactured Dissent. This is where the gloves come off. What follows may disgust some, but honestly at this point — I don’t care who I offend.
Why am I so convinced that Trump is Manufactured Dissent? What tell-tale signs are there that Trump is part of the Establishment? I set out to give you overwhelming evidence to support such a claim. What I write you won’t find in very many places because who I allege is behind Trump has absolute control over certain media outlets.
Those whom I allege to be behind Donald J. Trump is the Hebrew mafia. Some call them the Zionists. Robert David Steele and other IC members sometimes refer to them as the Chabad.
Here is why:
Amazingly, they both seemed to be outsiders. They both seemed like newcomers to “The Beltway.” They both were “anti-Establishment.” By voting for both men, you and I actually believed that we were “sticking it to the ‘the man’.” One promised “Change” and you gave him not one, but two terms. The other promised to Make America Great Again (MAGA) and you’ll probably give him a second term. He seemed to deliver. Why then, if he was truly anti-Establishment, why did Wall Street largely cooperate with this outsider? He delivered on many of his promises. If the fear is that America has become Corporatocracy (relying on corporations to help govern) then why was he always surrounded by people who were Establishment? How was Trump always able to stay one-step ahead of his opposition? Here’s why — it was all orchestrated.
Mussolini once said that rather than calling his creation “Fascism,” he should’ve called it “Corporatocracy.” Having corporations help govern is Fascism, people. We have become a Fascist state.
Additionally, in Israeli newspapers you can find headlines which praise Barack Obama as having done more for Israel than any previous U.S. president. Amazingly, you can find this same praise for Trump. You see, the status quo is being maintained. The one consistency is that our U.S. presidents benefit Israel. How? …or Why?
There is a doctor named Thomas Cowan making his rounds on the Internet and he makes an amazingly plausible case that our present paradigm concerning our understanding of viruses… of contagions is largely flawed. He makes some compelling arguments regarding his alternative paradigm. He states that Louis Pasteur performed tests in the 19th Century which proved to Louis Pasteur that humans could NOT make each other sick. He had sick people breath on people, cough on people and then made sure that body fluids were transferred to the healthy participants. According to Cowan, Pasteur could not make the healthy sick by exposure to sick people’s viruses.
If true, then perhaps H.G. Wells was actually a propagandist when he penned “War of the Worlds.” It’s my argument that if the Deep State could produce a pathogen that could wipe out humanity and they preserve only those that they shared the antivirus with, they would’ve done it already. Instead, they give us COVID-19, which is largely a PSYOP to scare people.
Another thing Cowan says that makes his model seem plausible is that he says the symptoms that we associate with getting a cold is, in fact, our bodies doing it to ourselves. In other words, the coughing, runny nose and watery eyes is our bodies detoxing a foreign substance and expelling it. However, the foreign substance is NOT the virus. Cowan goes on to say that assuming the viruses are present causing the sickness may be like someone observing fire fighters present at a fire and presuming they started it. Cowan admits that maybe more tests should be done before we can conclusively say that this is the case.
I’m not a medical doctor and don’t presume to know one way or the other which is true. I do have to raise one question though. “What caused gangrene”? If they felt it necessary to hack off body parts to save a human life, I imagine there had to be a compelling reason, right? Of course, this is where some cultures used leeches or maggots to help the body repair itself. My point is this: WHO KNOWS THE TRUTH?!?!?
Is it complete? Have we reached a point of no return? Have we truly lost this propaganda war and we just don’t realize it yet? It would seem so. I don’t know what to believe anymore.
If you’ve ever thought that our politicians are low-down scoundrels and scallywags, then you may not be far from the truth. Our business leaders aren’t just millionaires, but billionaires. But, by whose account? Yours, mine, their own? The Rockefellers are perhaps America’s royalty. They are vaunted amongst men. They are praised for their philanthropic generosity and kindness. The Carnegies and Rockefellers are perhaps the closest we’ll come to a royalty in America. The actors and musicians of Hollywood and Nashville aren’t royalty — they’re slaves. Technically, even the Carnegies, Rockefellers, Trumps, Morgans, Warburgs, Astors, Vanderbilts, and Rhodeses were slaves. They were made men.
John D. Rockefeller, his father was literally a swindler — a conman — drifting from town to town selling his useless tonic to suckers who believed his lies. “Devil Bill” Rockefeller didn’t even use his real name, he used an alias, “Dr. Livingstone.” Today, this is the world we’ve inherited. One built by swindlers, liars, con men. No wonder we’ve felt our politicians were scoundrels — because they are. Our journalists write books titled, “Our Greatest Generation.” Perhaps they were, but they were suckers. They were gullible enough to believe the lies. I don’t mean to disparage the dead, but let’s be honest — sure, they sacrificed a lot, but do they truly deserve the mantle “Greatest Generation” or is that also propaganda?
William Golding wrote “Lord of the Flies” back in 1951 about a bunch of boys shipwrecked on a deserted isle and who devolved into a wretched bunch committing atrocities and horrendous acts of savagery against each other when things looked grim. The real-life Lord of the Flies happened in 1964 when a bunch of boys did actually shipwreck on a deserted island and managed to survive for 15 months. Their real-life story has a much happier and altruistic ending. Ayn Rand was wrong, altruism isn’t dead. Today, people are fire fighters, EMTs, police officers — and it certainly isn’t because the money. Altruism isn’t dead.
However, the Establishment wants you to think that we are incapable of governing ourselves. They want us to thank them for saving us from ourselves. This is why they spin the narrative that “men are basically immoral, unethical, bad.” Even in the religion THEY created. Yes, I allege that they created both Christianity and Rabbinic Judaism. Both of these pacifistic religions arose in a belligerent 1st Century when no one in the Jewish community was pacifistic. How then did two religions rise to prominence in a time of great turmoil? That’s because they didn’t. Scientology should prove to you how easy it is to create a religion. In fact, the state of California is said to create about 2,000 religions per year.
Why were the books of the Bible written in Greek, and not Aramaic if the Romans truly wanted them abolished? Why are there so few manuscripts surviving from from 1st Century Messianic scriptures? Why were the Dead Sea scrolls found in a cave so far from any settlement? The Romans were very effective at destroying any manuscripts they wanted “scrubbed”. The only reason the Dead Sea scrolls survived was because they were hidden there to protect them from the Romans.
Propaganda is much older than you realize. Edward Bernays wasn’t the inventor of propaganda. Religion has been the oldest PSYOP in world history. The fake narrative cannot possibly be disproven because what are you going to do — shake your fist at the sky and challenge a myth? The Establishment by virtue of people’s gullibility can help any challenger to this myth meet an untimely demise thereby citing, “See, he challenged God and now he has been punished!”
Where will you find data to challenge their paradigm? How can you disprove their narrative to be a fabrication? Today, Americans are more puritanical than even their ancestors. Many of our founding fathers were Deists, today many would describe themselves as Theists. Theism requires a belief in prophecy and miracles. Deism doesn’t even require these beliefs. Deists suppose that if a god exists, he is a spectator to life and is passive in his dealings with humanity. By contrast, a Theist believes that god openly engages humanity on a daily basis — answering prayers, intervening in people’s lives, and performing miracles.
You ask Americans why they eat eggs and bacon for breakfast and the likely answer will be, “It’s always been this way.” Actually, Edward Bernays is the reason we eat eggs and bacon for breakfast — and that started probably around 1927 because of the Beechnut Packaging Company. Regarding how religious Americans have been most would probably say the same — “It’s always been this way.” Sadly, you’re mistaken.
Today, everyone can hopefully see through the scam orchestrated by the Monarchists. Hopefully, everyone realizes that the nobility put on their pants one leg at a time like the rest of us. They are no better or no worse than the rest of us. Today, business colleges, universities and military academies can teach leadership skills to anyone willing to learn. In fact, today we understand that there are different leadership styles that can be applied depending on the situation. A person isn’t born a good leader, the skills required for good leadership can be learned by anyone.
They had a good gig going until they were challenged by the moneylenders. That’s the real reason the Knights Templar had to be eliminated. The Templar’s wealth and influence rivaled that of King Philipp of France. Two hundred years later Nicolo Machiavelli gave them a tome which advised the best ways to stay in power. This was an artful exhibit of propaganda. Italy was fractured during this time and consisted of a multitude of Republics. Many of these Republics devolved into Principalities and this system led to modern organized crime syndicates that today we call mafias. On the surface, there is extraordinarily little to distinguish a mafia from a monarchy. They both have a code of conduct, exclusive membership, they offer protection for a type of fealty or commitment from those they protect, they both exist under the same premise of street gangs — “united we stand, divided we fall.” (or there’s safety/security in numbers.) We can thank Mr. Walt Disney for many of our romanticized notions of what a monarchy is. A monarchy is nothing more than an overly romanticized mafia. It’s all about money. We’ll leave the debate for another day whether chivalry ever really existed, but many could say it was just a chauvinistic attempt at putting lipstick on a pig.
Fast forward to 17th Century. Between 1649 and 1694 there was a King of England beheaded, another deposed, William and Mary and the creation of the Bank of England (one of the first “central banks”). Whose idea was the central banking system? Is does appear the Dutch were the first to develop a central bank which led to today’s modern central banks.
Why so much chaos between 1649 and 1694? It appears there was a challenge to the king’s authority in England. However, England was only one of many kingdoms throughout Europe who drew their legitimacy from the Pope of Rome. The Roman Catholic monarch had to christen or ordain any other kingdom for it to be legitimate. How else would you know that it was ordained by god? The English couldn’t risk angering the other monarchs, they too had a good gig going. They couldn’t ruin it for everyone. Ultimately, they returned the king to power but decided to control him through debt. Today, the moneylenders control (or heavily influence) the monarchs of Europe. Today, there are 17 monarchies of Europe. They still exist. If you insist that today they have no power and their roles within their kingdoms is largely ceremonial, then you need to research Gough Whitlam, the 21st Prime Minister of Australia. He resigned after pressure (intervention) by Queen Elizabeth. Today, the queen’s letters regarding this topic are classified and not released to the public.
Fast forward again to the Napoleonic Wars (1803–1815). A Jewish family from Frankfurt, Germany who took the name Rothschild had five sons. He had a brilliant idea to have them establish businesses in five of the capital centers of Europe. Each of his sons established themselves in London, Paris, Frankfurt, Vienna, and Naples. The reason for this was to see if they could somehow play the gold market and profit from the gold market fluctuations linked to the various currencies around Europe. Because of their dependable communications network, they found that they could indeed play the gold market to their advantage. After generating so much wealth through their network, they were in prime position to serve as the monarchies’ moneylenders during the Napoleonic Wars. Today, historians cite the contest of “Plunder versus Debt” as being decided by these wars. France raised most of its revenue through plunder while England raised most of its revenue through debt (to the central bank). Of course, luckily for Rothschilds, England won the war which meant they generated vast wealth for the Rothschild family and dominance in… what we’ll call “the banking sector.” Queen Victoria later rewarded the Rothschild’s with hereditary title in 1847, and eventually hereditary peerage in 1885.
Many of the founding fathers in America foresaw this threat and this is why America’s founding fathers quibbled over the function of or whether America even needed a central (“national”) bank. Our seventh president, President Andrew Jackson effectively destroyed any hopes of the central bankers of gaining more influence in America.
However, because they had gained dominance in the international banking sector — which is effectively a cartel — they were also well positioned to finance people like the Vanderbilt’s and Cecil Rhodes. Cecil Rhodes built a vast diamond empire which today is known as De Beer’s. Interestingly, Rhodes didn’t leave the majority of his vast estate to his heirs, but to the Rothschilds (was Rhodes admitting that he felt compelled to do so? — was he just a paper cut-out? … a front man?) Interestingly, my grandfather was a jeweler. He owned his own jewelry store. He spoke fondly of his many Jewish contacts that he’d made while traveling to NYC. It seemed Jews had a big presence in America’s diamond market too.
Anyway, late 19th Century saw the rise of Germany. Bismarck united the 38 provinces of Germany and created the modern nation state we know today as Germany. Some speculate that England and the Rothschilds feared the rise of Germany. A war with Germany must come — sooner or later. The Rothschilds could depend on their ally — the English monarch — or so they thought.
Unfortunately, the Windsor family was actually the Saxe-Coburg and Gotha (of German heritage) family. They were literal cousins of the German monarchs. The English monarch wasn’t too keen on a war with his cousins. This led to King Edward VIII abdicating (he didn’t abdicate, he was deposed in 1937). That was prior to WWII, of course, there had already been a WWI.
The Rothschilds and the other central bankers found their entrance into America. They got their foot into the door thanks to America’s Corporatists. The Rothschilds financed JP Morgan, JD Rockefeller and Andrew Carnegie. All these men would later prove their value — much like Cecil Rhodes proved his value years before. All these men would prove to be front men for the Rothschild Syndicate. Only JD Rockefeller was a very proud man and would probably never admit it. Most of America’s giants of industry are actually stooges of the various cartels that exist. If you’re not familiar with the Phoebus Cartel (1924), I suggest you do some research. The reason the American model includes “planned obsolescence” isn’t to protect jobs (as claimed), but as a means to justify a “consumer economy.” They want you and I to buy, buy, buy because this contributes to the transfer of wealth from consumer to producer. Well, guess who owns all the modes of production?
Perhaps quite fortuitously for the Rothschilds, Lord Astor perished on the Titanic in 1912. The Corporatists in America successfully created the American central bank (the Federal Reserve) in 1913. WWI started in 1914. Oscar Callaway (D) Texas tried alerting the American people of what was happening as early as 1917. (See my previous article “America After the Trump Presidency”.)
It was too little, too late. America entered into the fray of WWI although there was little justification for doing so. In fact, most Americans prior to entering the war actually favored Germany. Ethnically, there are more German Americans than there are English, Irish, Scottish or Welsh Americans combined (from the British Isles).
This was a very tumultuous time. There was the Russian Communist Revolution in 1917. According to Winston Churchill, it was actually a Jewish invasion, not a Russian revolution. (See Churchill’s “Zionism versus Bolshevism” from Feb. 1920). You can find online a recording by Benjamin H. Freedman (Jewish) who alleges that the reason there is the Balfour Declaration — a declaration by the British Empire to give Palestine to the Jews — when Palestine wasn’t theirs to give… it was at the time still in the possession of the Ottoman Empire. In his allegation, Freedman alleges that the American Zionists promised to get America into the war if Britain would promise to give them Palestine.
General Smedley Butler also tried to alert the American public in 1933 (the “Business Plot”) and later published a book “War is a Racket” (1935). He even called himself a “muscleman” for the American Corporatists. The Federal Bureau of Investigation was created in 1908 and restructured in 1935. J. Edgar Hoover was the Director of the bureau since before the restructuring. He became its director in 1924. It was given legitimacy due to its reining in local mafia bosses. One of the bloodiest chapters in American history occurred due to “Murder, Inc.” Murder Inc. was an assassination network run by the Jewish mafia and it was at its worst during the leadership of Louis “Lepke” Buchalter.
Of course, we all recognize that during WWII occurred the Holocaust which makes it extremely unwise to criticize Jews or Israel at all. In fact, the only “opinion crime” that has been enforced on American soil was the questioning of the 6 million figure related to the Holocaust. (See pic. below).
Ernst Zündel successfully campaigned to get Auschwitz to change its official number of deaths attributed to the camp. However, although that number dropped drastically — the 6 million figure is still propagated today as being accurate. The reason they don’t want to change it is because if people admit it was propaganda, then people would ask, “Why lie about that?” If people begin asking too many questions regarding the Holocaust, then you start to realize who the actors are that they’re trying to protect. These people are warmongers. Warmongers have already shown their callous nature and disregard for human life. To them, sacrificing a few lives here or there is worth the profit. To them, it’s probably no worse than what the kings and queens have been doing since the origin of human civilization. To them, perhaps it’s “Survival of the Fittest.” You and I are the sucker, and they’re the conman willing to subjugate the rest of humanity. They are so smug in their opinion, that they support Eugenics. In short, Eugenics is the belief that you can breed humans much like we bred dogs and horses and other domesticated animals.
David Cole (Jewish) was a Holocaust revisionist, much like Ernst Zündel. A revisionist is NOT a Holocaust denier, but simply someone who wants to know the truth. Much of the WWII propaganda muddles the truth and people deserve the truth. The truth is that no gas chambers have been found in Germany or Austria. At the end of WWII, there were 22 camps said to contain the genocidal gas chambers. As early as the mid-1950’s, that number was revised to 6. I’ve personally been to Dachau. Other than the delousing chamber to delouse clothing and bed linens and such, there was no gas chamber at Dachau. The four books written by Holocaust survivors alleging to have seen or having worked in the chamber have all been discredited. They lied. Why would they lie? Why would our governments participate in such a coverup?
The shrunken heads mysteriously disappeared before they could be tested. The lampshade turned out to be goatskin. As David Cole cited in his video, the mountain of shoes and hair doesn’t prove anyone was killed, because everyone admits the prisoners were made to wear a uniform and the hair was shaved due to the Typhus epidemic. David Cole even got the head curator of Auschwitz to admit on camera that the holes in the ceiling were put there by the Soviets after the war (a modification).
British historian David Irving has gone to prison numerous times as they tried to silence him. Irving alleges that the Holocaust numbers are probably closer to 2.2 million Jews. He also alleges that it’s possible that Adolf Hitler may not have even been aware of Operation Reinhardt. The only genocidal operation known to have occurred where they systematically killed Jews — no, not in Germany or Austria — but it was in Poland. If you look closer at photos of bodies being bulldozed into mass graves, it’s a British soldier on a British bulldozer. Most of those bodies are of people who died after they were liberated by the British. They died of Typhus, not in a genocidal gas chamber.
Who invented the concentration camp again? That’s right, the British. How did the British treat their prisoners of war? The British are now known to have tortured Nazi war prisoners.
What’s the real reason General George Patton or James Forrestal died? Will we ever know the truth? President Eisenhower tried warning us of what he called the “Military-Industrial Complex” in his farewell address in 1961. JFK was assassinated in 1963. Why was he assassinated? There are numerous plausible motives, but JFK clearly threatened the newly created National Security State established in 1947.
Some allege that one reason for JFK’s demise was he insisted that Israel open its Dimona nuclear reactor to inspections. Surprisingly, you never hear anyone ever talk about Dimona anymore — oh wait! General Muammar Ghadaffi of Libya talked about it.
If you haven’t read Seymour Hersh’s book “The Samson Option” then I suggest you do. He talks about Israel’s nuclear arsenal. Another source for this is Dr. Martin van Creveld, an Israeli military historian. He even seemed to threaten European capitals if they didn’t capitulate to Israel’s demands. Today, the Hebrew mafia, the Chabad, the Rothschild Syndicate have access to nuclear weapons through Israel. This is the real reason no one challenges Israel today. We’re all being held hostage by the Hebrew mob.
What more evidence do you need? The mob boss of mob bosses is Semion Mogilevich — Jewish. Rothschilds — Jewish. George Soros — Jewish. Jack Ruby worked for the Hebrew mob — his real name was Jacob Rubenstein. They killed JFK.
Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg — pretty much any billionaire today isn’t a self-made man. THEY MADE THEM. They’re allowed their platform but only if they go along with the narrative. The model they’re using in America today, they did to Germany at the end of the 19th Century. They control all of the media outlets. They control the narrative. Funny, isn’t it, how after 9–11, all of a sudden Hollywood produced all these Crime Scene Investigation (CSI) shows. Why? The best screenwriters in the world work for Hollywood. They know that they cannot reopen the 9–11 investigation without implicating themselves. That’s the real reason you won’t see them reopen it. Wake up, people! Israel and the U.K are not our closest allies — they’re our worst enemies. THEY’RE USING US!
And now they’re using China. They’re going to make them the bogeyman much like they made the Islamists, the Russians and the Germans our bogeyman. Will enough people wake up in time to avoid a conflict? …or will people assume these the rants of a raving lunatic? I am not calling for hatred of Jews. Far from it. Sure, I think many Jews may be complicit, but many Goyim (non-Jews) have also been complicit. I’m not being anti-Semitic. I’m trying to be anti-corruption.
To close with the Worst-Case Scenario, living with the Deep State at the helm could be our worst nightmare. If… IF… they honestly believe that the world functions according to the law of Zero-Sum Game, then they may actually believe that the world is overpopulated. If they adhere to such a belief system, then addressing it could reduce humanity’s footprint on Earth — although every developed country on the planet has a fertility rate below 2.1 (the point which should maintain a stable population). Anything below 2.1 should lead to a shrinking of the population (discounting migration, of course). If they believe the world to be overpopulated, then the Green movement will most likely be pushed to the extreme.
Other facts that concern me about the Worst-Case Scenario are that their progenitors actually advocated Eugenics as a means to improve or augment humanity. If true, then they clearly see themselves as a master class and others as a pet or subordinate class. Additionally, they have demonstrated a callousness in the past with their use of war as a means to secure their dominance on the planet. They are war profiteers and warmongers who start wars simply to thin the herd and/or develop technology and the economies of the world. Their utilization of assassination as a means to silence dissent is also troubling. Whether the Deep State can demonstrate a genuine benevolence that they rarely demonstrated in the past, the Worst-Case Scenario could see a rise to power of a truly tyrannical and dystopian regime that governs with an iron fist.
What is organized crime? What is racketeering? I have said my piece. What befalls humanity — we’ll see.