Regardless if you believe the Bible to be historically accurate or not. Regardless if you believe in a Deist (passive) God or a Theist (active) God. Regardless if you believe in God or not, I will assume you have, at least, read the Bible.
Today, we are cleaning up a corruption that is much older than either of us. Today, we are cleaning up a corruption that was initiated long before America was even a country. Going back through time, I want to recount a story. This story originates from the Bible.
The story of Saul, the first King of Israel, I will use as a context for speaking about government. See, the Israelites demanded a king like all other nations. God allowed them to select a king. They chose Saul. He was handsome and noticeably taller than most in the community. Hence, he was very popular.
This was before they had a legislature or parliament to write laws or a judiciary to mediate disputes. The King was expected to hear all disputes and help resolve them. Just a generation or two later, King Solomon was faced with two mothers. Both women had recently had a baby, but one of the mother’s babies had recently died. Solomon, to discern which woman was the baby’s — the one still alive — which was his mother, he suggested cutting the baby in half and divide the baby between the two women. Of course, the real mother immediately surrendered her claim to the baby to spare the baby’s life.
The King was judge, jury and executioner. As society grew larger and more complex, societies needed to record the rules and laws. People within a society want equity. People want to be treated fairly. This is where we derived our need for a legislature, an executive and a judiciary. If we decide what the rules are beforehand, then people have no excuse to decry favoritism or cronyism. This is true even with the games and sports we play.
Even who the rightful king or queen is determined by rules. What if they have no children? What if there is evidence of illegitimacy? Etc. What granted the sovereign rulers of the world their legitimacy? Well, in Asia, they had Mandate of Heaven. If heaven approved of the leader, he’d stay in power. However, once a sovereign lost favor from heaven, he would soon fall from power on Earth. In Europe, they had Divine Right of Kings. This system was like Mandate of Heaven, but many emperors of Asia claimed to be god. This might be OK in a polytheistic society that had several gods, but this would never suffice in a monotheistic society. The Vatican was — for centuries — the official representative of the Christian church. The leader of the Catholic Church, the Pope, was said to speak to God. If the Pope endorsed a king, then it was presumed that the endorsement came from God.
Today, we look back on this system with amusement and wonder how our ancestors could have fallen for such a dubious system. The Monarchists corrupted religion to legitimize their sovereignty. This was the original corruption — of religion.
However, with the passage of time, the people of the world tired of Kings and their constant wars, the corruption and the inequalities that the corruption had produced. Fast forward to the Knights Templar of the Twelfth Century. This is conjecture, but they had gained insights into the machinations of the Kings and threatened to undermine their legitimacy unless they were allowed a seat at the table — so to speak. This threat granted them immunity from the existing fiefdoms even as their wealth, power and influence around Europe began to rival that of these established kingdoms. They were tolerated for two centuries, but the Monarchs saw no reason to perpetuate the alliance. The King of France and the Pope quickly decapitated them by arresting all their leaders on one night — Friday the 13th. They were made examples. Labeled as heretics and put to death. What happened to the tens of thousands of other Templars? Some speculate that they fled to Switzerland, thereby lending to their proficiency in banking.
The Monarchists remained supreme in the face of adversity. They prevailed after their first challenge from organized crime. However, organized crime would again challenge the supremacy of the sovereigns. Niccolo Machiavelli would help the warlords of Republican Italy compete for supremacy there. In turn, some of these warlords riches and power rivaled those of the kings of Europe.
To remain relevant, the kings of Europe would periodically draw alliances with the warlords. However, the warlords learned that the kings of Europe would readily betray them so they were forced underground. The monarchs used their sovereignty as a weapon against the mafiosos. The mafias were the original controlled dissent.
The lesson to take away from this though is simple. As time progressed and in an effort to remain relevant, the monarchs made alliances and adapted to the situation at hand. The monarchs and mafiosos learned to live together for centuries.
However, the paradigm would be shaken again in the Nineteenth Century. Corporations began generating wealth unparalleled in human history. Additionally, the Industrial Revolution seemed to make that wealth generation extremely fast — practically overnight. We all know the names of Rockefeller and Carnegie, but before them was the Vanderbilts and the Astors.
Again, in an effort to remain relevant, the monarchs approached these titans of industry with alliances and offers of financing — which generated profits for both. Slowly, the monarchists’ mob ties have been replaced with corporate ties. It looks more legitimate. These alliances are more readily defendable or plausibly deniable.
Today, the mobsters are still around. They’ve been driven further underground. The other two factions will probably target them soon. Targeting them is one way to silence them, but it also means not having to share profits with them.
However, the other two factions of corruption within the international community are the Corporatists (who largely control commerce, business, banking, finance and various other industries that fall under the Military-Industrial Complex) and the Monarchists (who largely control politics, military, law enforcement, intel, etc.) Of course, the division between them has become undistinguishable in the Twenty-first Century. This, of course, means that these two will suffer the same fate. Yes, I’m predicting the demise of the monarchs… finally. It is centuries overdue, but this awakening means the truth about the monarchs will finally be revealed.
Ironically, if there is to be any reconciliation. Much of it will be with the mob. Remember, there are numerous organized crime syndicates around the world (Russia, China, Japan, etc.) Additionally, many intelligence assets are also mafia assets. I’m hopeful. I’m reconciliatory to most, but there will be that small minority who will need to be made an example of. Today, there are over 88,300 sealed indictments. Being reconciliatory, I’m hoping we can avoid opening most of these sealed indictments. I’m hoping we can keep that number below 25% of those indictments. Remember, a sealed indictment can be used as leverage against the person to get them to cooperate with the investigation.
We’re taking our country back. We’re taking our world back.