The Irony of Trump

6 min readNov 20, 2017

Never interpret anything as just “black” and/or “white,” but with shades of gray. This universe does not run with a law of “Absolutism.” You can never say that *this* is absolutely “good,” or *that* is absolutely bad. If a religious person, you just have to come to the realization that if a deity exists, he lives beyond this tainted and corrupt universe. Nothing in our universe is absolutely perfect… or absolutely anything.

Our founding fathers spoke of equality and pursued an Egalitarian ideology. The foundation of America was built on the struggle against Monarchism… Elitism. However, today we find ourselves the errand boys for the very Monarchs of Europe we swore to resist. How did things come to this? In retrospect, we have to admit that the most anti-monarchist force of the twentieth century were the Communists. Although the Bolshevik Revolution wasn’t a Russian Revolution, but a Jewish invasion (as determined by Winston Churchill). Whether these radicals got carried away and killed the Czar’s family although that wasn’t in the original plan — who knows!?! What we do know is that the Communists actually executed the Russian Monarchs.

I’m not Communist nor am I advocating killing all Monarchs. However, I am saying that you and I have been duped. Even Adolf Hitler in Mein Kampf said, “…(with) the persistent use of propaganda heaven itself can be presented to the people as if it were hell and, vice versa…” Today’s spin doctors are very sophisticated. They can make black appear as white and vice versa. This is one reason the American Right embraces the Russian President, Vladimir Putin; but this is also why the American Left tries to spin this embrace as treason. They want you to believe that the emails were hacked rather than leaked. They also want you to ignore the DNC corruption they revealed. You and I both know that there is only one way this can end, and it won’t end well for Hillary.

If you recall, prior to March 12, 2008, there were five American investment banks: Bear Stearns, Lehman Brothers, Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley, and Goldman Sachs. On March 11, 2008 the investment community held a meeting which included everyone except Bear Stearns. We can deduce that they conspired against Bear Stearns due to what happened directly following this meeting. In an effort to keep this brief, I will simply direct you to Matt Taibbi’s article from April 5, 2010 titled “Wall Street’s Naked Swindle” about the events on that day. Simply put, the investment banks could smell blood (or smell green — a money-making opportunity) so they turned on each other and started cannibalizing each other… any gentlemen’s agreement be damned!

This brings us to — “What is gentlemanly?” If you’ve ever watched Queen Elizabeth II, then you know that she displays the utmost grace and dignity. However, this is all a ruse. I assert the Queens and Kings of history (and today) are no more dignified than mafia bosses. In Hollywood, you can easily find characters like Edward Longshanks (“Braveheart”), King John or Richard II of England both have been portrayed too often to cite here. However, Queen Victoria’s Opium Wars with China were nothing more than a thug’s attempt to muscle another “clan” into compliance. Queen Victoria was nothing more than a drug warlord. Anyone who tells you different is deluding themselves. Under her rule, Britain expanded her empire in sinister ways unparalleled in history.

Under Queen Victoria, the British Empire expanded in ways unimagined in history. The recent deregulation of corporations was the perfect guise to create an aristocrasy in her former colony, America. With the Industrial Revolution, came new technologies and new ideas. Psychology and Psychiatry were attempts at understanding how men think… what we believe… and what we perceive to be true. Sigmund Freud and later his nephew, Edward Bernays, would help the monarchs to procure power and wield it in despicable ways.

Despicable? Yes, the use of propaganda as a tool to control the flow of information grew significantly in the twentieth century. The British would go on to show the Americans that they should embrace organized crime rather than stamp it out. Rather than fight the organized syndicates of the world, they should control them. After the demise of the Knights Templar, the lucrative international banking industry had been fought over by the various syndicates for centuries, but I believe it’s safe to say that the Hebrew mafia eventually captured the controlling stake of this industry. This is the real reason that J. Edgar Hoover remained the FBI Director so long — 48 years. He was helping implement the monarchists’ agenda.

The monarchists do not trust democracy. Today, democracy in America is effectively dead. Today, they promise a brighter future through technology and free enterprise. For them, it’s about maintaining control. I love technology. Don’t get me wrong. Personally, I’m a Star Trek fan who hopes that one day we can achieve a one world government, but not now. Now is not the time, not until people are enlightened about who holds power and why and how they intend to hold onto that power. This is where America’s whistleblowers come in. People need to listen to our whistleblowers.

For the typical citizen to become enlightened about what is the truth, we need to change our government. Either abolish or modify the CIA and most of our intelligence apparatus. We need to restructure the government and restore transparency. We need to reform campaign finance and abolish legalized bribery (i.e. lobbying). There can be other channels to allow a corporation to show their support of our government — one, they can pay their taxes rather than find creative ways to evade their taxes. Today, there are 28 tax havens around the world.

My concern is this: I think that they may just give us Hillary. We’ve seen them cannibalize each other in the past. They’re not above this behavior — they did it in 2008. I fear that after they deliver Hillary and her ilk, the American people will be so relieved to see that President Trump delivered on his campaign promise, that the people will be content with the clean up and will think that this is the extent of our American problem — it’s not. The indictments, the arrests, the clean up are just the beginning. We need to remain diligent and insist that these changes… this transparency that we so desperately need… be restored.

While the Tea Party is clearly anti-establishment, the Occupy Wall Street was too. However, the Left was easily commandeered. In fact, many of its leaders are just stooges of the monarchists — doing a job for pay. Today, they even employ actors to riot in the streets for our media consumption (Manufacturing Consent/Dissent). Remember, Charlottesville? The CIA operation in Charlottesville was just like their operation in Ukraine. If you want to guarantee yourself control — control both sides of the argument. Just like international bankers loan money to both countries in a war, the CIA controls both sides of a riot. They needed a martyr for public consumption… and they got one. That way they keep people divided talking about things that are really superficial because the argument is mostly contrived and/or fabricated… or, at least, spun to fit their agenda. When people talk about racism in America, they naturally assume it to be a Black-White issue… but is it really? Don’t take my word for it, but question everything. Prove me wrong. I dare you to take the time to research things for yourself.

Don’t you find it interesting that the three intelligence agencies accused by our conspiracists as colluding on September 11, 2001 are now aligned together in the Middle East? Aren’t you curious about how the Americans, Israelis, and Saudis wound up in such an alliance? It’s my assertion that the recent arrests in Saudi Arabia are not the result from pressure from the Americans, but from the Chinese. The petrodollar is dead, and the Saudis must act in their own best interests.

Just a reminder that the thing that set America apart from all other governments of history. Our founding fathers insisted on a “Checks and Balances” system be implemented in order to curtail corruption. Unfortunately, corrupt forces have found loopholes which have rendered our system impotent and obsolete. We need to restore “Checks and Balances” to our government of the twenty-first century. However, any future “Checks and Balances” needs to insure corporations be kept from buying undue influence.




A simple boy from the rural areas of upstate South Carolina. I've gotten around a bit. I've lived in various countries and seen many things.