The Great Game (Cont’d)

6 min readOct 1, 2019


October 01, 2019

With the return of 8-Chan due sometime this week, there are many of us who follow the Q-Anon phenomenon feeling stoked about the continuation — and hopefully the culmination — of this Great Game we find ourselves in. Of course, it should be more accurately referred to as “The Great Awakening” rather than the Great Game, but I purposefully draw your attention to “The Great Game.” What is… or what was… the Great Game?

The name given the “Great Game” can be traced to a British Intelligence officer named Arthur Conolly, but it was made popular by Rudyard Kipling in his book “Kim” (1904). The Great Game was an intense rivalry between the English Empire and the Russian Empire for control of Central Asia. The Great Game is said to have started January 12, 1830 with British Lord Ellenborough signing an edict to establish a trade route through the region to connect Turkey or Persia (now Iran) to India. In January 1830, the King of England was still King George IV. It was George’s father, King George III, who’d lost the American colonies and then fought the Napoleonic Wars with his French rival Napoleon Bonaparte (1803–1815).

The Great Game is said to have ended shortly after Russia’s humiliating defeat in its short war with Japan (Russo-Japanese War 1904–1905) with the Anglo-Russian Convention of 1907. This would be very timely, considering Germany and the Ottoman Empire (now Turkey) were planning to establish a railway linking Baghdad to Berlin. This was clearly aimed at their rivals — Germany viewed England as a rival and Turkey viewed Russia as a rival.

However, what if the Great Game didn’t end in 1907? It was just a decade later when Nicholas II — the last Tzar of Russia — abdicated his throne. Adding insult to injury, King George V of England, is accused of cowardice for failing to grant refuge to his cousin Nicholas II. Today, we know that he invited his cousin to come to England, but then withdrew the invitation. Why?

George Orwell wrote in his book “1984” that (the masses) “would sooner or later realize that the privileged minority had no function, and they would sweep it away.” Today, we read about the British royals as though they were celebrities to be emulated and cherished. However, I posit that the royals are instead a mafia family. No, not just the British royals, but all royals — all monarchs. How did they earn such esteem and wealth? They plundered it.

What if Napoleon was genuinely anti-Monarchist? How would we know? If history is written by the victors, then what we know of Napoleon Bonaparte could be “war propaganda”? Who allied themselves with Napoleon? One such ally was Polish-Lithuanian general, Tadeusz Kościuszko, who had served as a colonel in the American Continental Army (1776–1783). Kościuszko was an accomplished architect and skilled military engineer whose projects included West Point, New York. It was the American Continental Congress which promoted him to brigadier general in recognition of his service. He was personal friends with Thomas Jefferson and South Carolinian, John Laurens.

Could what we know — or think we know of Adolf Hitler — also be a fabrication? Be a façade? My guess is, “Yes, we won’t know the truth about human history until we throw off these shackles by ‘Elitist’ monarchs whose only legitimacy is derived from their great wealth which affords them vast influence over democracies and ‘national security states.’” Economic power is political power.

Those in power utilize mechanisms which render them invisible. The Hegelian dialectic is one such mechanism — or machination. By affording to invest in both sides of an argument guarantees a win-win situation. Both sides — regardless who wins — owes the benefactor. This is where the concepts of “Manufactured Consent” and “Manufactured Dissent” come from. This is where the idea of a “Two-Party Tyranny” comes from. The Republican and Democratic parties are two sides of the same coin. If so, who to trust? Is Donald John Trump a legitimate Freedom Fighter or is he Manufactured Dissent?

What do we know thus far? We know that the American Bill of Rights makes America special. We know that our enemies HATE our Bill of Rights. We also know that DJT is an ally in defending these Bill of Rights.

When you look at the belief systems of these Elites, you see an ideology steeped in occultism and extravagance. They believe in prophecy and even take measures to guarantee these prophesies are fulfilled. They capitalize on the masses’ gullibility and their beliefs in gematria, spirituality, prophesy, etc. They make predictions which tend to point to the near future… particularly around 2024. Why 2024?

We the People need to remain vigilant. James Madison said, “The truth is that all men having power ought to be mistrusted.” (The enemy of my enemy is my friend.) Those that defend our Bill of Rights are certainly our friend. However, could DJT just be stalling? What is taking them so long? Are they genuinely working on our behalf? WE HAVE TO TRUST SOMEONE. However, I wish to call for prudence. We the People must remain PRUDENTLY TRUSTFUL. Trust is earned. Make our leaders earn our trust EVERY DAY. Hold their feet to the fire. Why am I so skeptical of human nature? Why am I cynical?

Allow me to introduce you to Project ITER. Project ITER was originally the “International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor,” but changed its name due to it containing EXPERIMENTAL and THERMONUCLEAR right next to one another — not very reassuring. Anyway, the word “iter” is Latin for “the way.” The project is being billed as an experiment. Initially, the Project had a target date of 2030, but it has since been moved up to 2025. The computing systems needed to run ITER, their diagnostics should be completed by then. Is this coincidence? Perhaps.

What do we know?

1. We know that they will readily lie to start a war. We know that they start wars all the time. Why? How do they profit from war? Is it purely for financial gain?

2. We know that they helped establish what we know today as the “National Security State.” The national security state hides more from their own citizens — limiting transparency, thus limiting accountability to these citizens — than they do from their supposed enemies.

3. We know that they hold “money” above all else. If money is power, then the source of money is the source of all power. Thus, they created the Central Banking system.

4. We know they were not contented with just controlling the source of money, they discovered Fractional Reserve Banking could afford them even more opportunity for fraud and profit.

5. We know that even Fractional Reserve Banking wasn’t enough to content them. They then turned to a Digital Economy, thus erasing all paper trails to conceal their fraud, deceit, extortion, etc.

6. We know they have no honor. They readily cannibalized their fellow conspirators in 2008. Bear Stearns, Lehman Brothers and Merrill Lynch all suffered due to such misplaced trust.

7. We know that they attempted to consolidate power behind the banner of “Globalism.” (I, myself, identify as a globalist, but I define it differently than that THEY do.)

8. We know they have either tarnished the reputations of countless patriots who would challenge them, marginalized them or they have literally erased their voices from history.

9. We know some of their tricks, ploys and machinations are elaborate, sinister, bold and incredibly greedy and selfish.

10. We know that they hold themselves above the law and consistently exploit legal loopholes in existing laws.

11.We know that WE humans… we love a good magic trick… we actually enjoy being tricked. We love a good optical illusion. “The hand is quicker than the eye.”

12. We know that War Propaganda is real. We know that the world’s militaries have targeted civilian populations.

13. We know that the world’s intelligence agencies spy on EVERYONE.

14. We know that the world’s intelligence agencies share information (e.g. FVEY)

15. We know they are incredibly diabolical and patient — sometimes waiting years before seeing results of their plans.

The Great Awakening is a massive undertaking. The sheer volume of allegations and counter-allegations is enough to make even the most sure-footed dizzy.

For example: Thomas P. Bossert has just reentered the limelight attesting to his knowledge that the Ukrainian counter-conspiracy as being totally debunked. Has it? How long will we have to endure these idiots? They think we’re stupid.




Written by Volshebny

A simple boy from the rural areas of upstate South Carolina. I've gotten around a bit. I've lived in various countries and seen many things.

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