I was just watching Elon Musk being interviewed by Lex Fridman and Fridman asked him his opinion on the Gaza situation between Israel and Hamas. Musk replied that he believed that Hamas was just trying to get a response out of Israel.
Well, Elon Musk has just proven that humans can’t be masters of everything. He may have mastered business, building enterprises, innovation, garnering public support, advertising, etc. (the list is amazingly long), however, he sucks at geopolitics. If all these PSYOPs you’ve been exposed to (i.e., the War on Terror, “Global Warming,” COVID-19, “Systemic Racism,” etc.) haven’t taught you anything, they should’ve taught you that the Deep State is highly organized and highly deceptive. The Hegelian dialectic (Problem>Reaction>Solution) is how America has executed regime change around the globe. Problem: Create one. Name any problem out in the real world and most likely it is being hyped. Seriously! Even crime! If it’s not being hyped, it’s almost certainly contrived or FULLY fabricated (like Jewish hatred doesn’t really exist, nor does Jihadism or Trotskyism (Communism wanting to take over the world).
Esoteric, people think of it as secretive. However, esoteric, its true meaning can be seen as Elitist. The reason the knowledge was kept secret is because it wasn’t intended for everyone else. Why? Because the Elite has always been fiercely competitive. Having a zero-sum mindset is a requisite to be included in their ranks. If you’re not willing to lie, cheat, and steal in order to get ahead, you’re a sucker… and you’re probably weak! Hoarding resources, avoiding taxes, and playing/fighting dirty is the name of the game. Evangelism is just a fancy word for RECRUIT. Christians are willing to evangelize the masses because it’s a message for everyone. Judaism, Kabbalah-ism, Cabal ism, and Monarchism, allow for conversion, but it is usually kept to a minimum and usually dissuaded. They tell people wishing to convert to Judaism, “It’s a burden to be a Jew.” They are Elitists. Regular people can be knighted, but initiation rites are required after having to prove yourself loyal to “the Crown.”
When will you people wake up? A monarch is nothing more than an overly romanticized mafia boss. Elon Musk has failed to grasp that while Al-Qaeda works for the Americans, Hamas works for the Israelis. Suckers! You fell for it! They control both sides of the argument/fight. Problem>Reaction>Solution. Both Problem and Reaction are the two sides of the same coin. The Solution may be determined after corraling the argument in the direction they wanted it to go. It all comes down to SPIN. Just like we say a good accountant can spin the numbers to say whatever we want them to say. Much like the anti-gun lobby includes 19-year-olds in that statistic when they say the number one killer of children is guns — failing to mention that the overwhelming majority of 16 to 19-year-olds killed by guns is related to gang-on-gang violence. Suckers! And to think, you really do think the sky is falling! If you’re that stupid or gullible, you get what you deserve. Counter-terrorist operations of America CREATE terrorists. Organizations tasked with eliminating racism regularly CREATE it. Government agencies tasked with fighting diseases CREATE them much like the firefighter who’s also the arsonist.