My Conspiracy Theory by Volshebny

22 min readJun 10, 2022



Let’s do a thought experiment, shall we? In this thought experiment I will break from my standard practice of avoiding conjecture, supposition, and speculation and instead focus on something we identify as “wishful thinking.”

While I do think conjecture, supposition, and speculation can lead to incorrect hypotheses, I fear “wishful thinking” even more. In this thought experiment I will attempt to isolate my speculation to the “natural” realm. If you have ever tried to explain to someone the differences between the movie genres “Science Fiction” and “Fantasy” then you know what I’m about to say. While Science Fiction (Sci-Fi) attempts to abide by the laws of our known universe, Fantasy doesn’t have such restrictions. As a writer, I would explain how a character achieved flight and overcame the law of gravity, for instance. I would seek to explain the process or the technology that overcomes any of our physical laws (e.g., gravity, duality, polarity, etc.)

On the contrary, writing Fantasy, I wouldn’t need to trifle with such details. If Thor has the ability to fly merely by swinging his hammer at great velocity, there is no disputing that. If Harry Potter has God-like powers to speak something into existence with a simple incantation or enchantment, there is no disputing that either. With a simple, “Hocus Pocus” I’m confident that Harry Potter could summon a doorway to another realm or to the other side of the universe. These “magical” abilities are also referred to as “supernatural” abilities. For me to abide by my beloved Occam’s Razor, I will simply avoid conjecture into anything “supernatural.”

Why the departure? Because I need you to be able to follow my hypothesis. My hypothesis is one among countless others. How do detectives solve crimes? Do they abide by Occam’s razor? Of course! However, they do not tie their hands behind their back by limiting themselves to extraordinary theories. Instead, they start with the more plausible explanations and the more likely suspects, first. Only after exhausting all leads and all conjecture into which possible suspects had the means, motives, and opportunity to commit the suspected crime do they expand their search. Sometimes conjecture, supposition, and speculation are exactly what we need to solve a crime or puzzle. Remember, Albert Einstein said that imagination is more important than knowledge. Without imagination, we would have no hypotheses or theories. Known theories started out as hunches, guesses — conjecture! So speculation is actually part of the scientific method. Adversely, wishful thinking is not. Wishful thinking is the premise of ideology, dogma, pseudoscience, and, of course, fallacy.

In 1959, Bertrand Russell stated in an interview that he wished to leave two messages for all human posterity. The first, was intellectual. The second, was moral.

Bertrand Russell advised future generations to “ask (themselves) only, ‘What are the facts and what is the truth that the facts bear out? Never let yourself be diverted, either by what you wish to believe or what you think could have beneficent social effects if it were believed; but look only and solely at what are the facts.’” In other words, he specifically warned against “wishful thinking.” So the enemy of prudent analysis isn’t conjecture, supposition or speculation — they are an integral part of that process. The enemy to prudent analysis is emotion… allowing our feelings to interfere with our objectivity. If we allow dogma — uncontested ideology — to dissuade us from the truth, then we stop looking for the truth because we presume that we are already aware of it. This is why people must “reinvent the wheel. Don’t take my word for it. You will have to find the truth for yourself.” These are the very things anyone combating “Cognitive Dissonance” has found themselves saying time and again.

Bertrand Russell’s moral advice was him simply reminding us how much more beneficial love and tolerance are than hatred and intolerance relative to our social interactions.


While I acknowledge the many great contributions that religious people have made through the centuries, I also acknowledge the many travesties and tragedies suffered by people in the name of religion.

The Beginning seems like a good place to start, especially since I will attempt to write about the composition of this hypothesis of mine in chronological order. Hence, let’s go back in time and try to give some meaning to the madness that we witness today because it is rooted in circumstances and alliances forged in the distant past.

All religions have their “origins” story. By analyzing these, we can ascertain how our ancestors tried to make sense of the world around them. The various ancient religions are filled with supernatural creatures and feats requiring supernatural strength, superior insight, or supreme abilities that can best be described as magical or divine. We are led to believe that before the advent of science, our ancestors concocted such fanciful stories because their limited understanding of the laws of nature led them to conclude that the world around them must be the result of these mystical creatures and circumstances. They seemingly embraced the supernatural, the mystical, the divine. If humans could not create the world around them, then who did? These stories are filled with tales of prophecy, immortality, eternal life, miracles (defined here as any supernatural act that can be attributed to a deity itself), angels, ghosts, witchcraft, astrology, numerology (gematria — the ancient numerical system used in Kabbalah), blood sacrifice, and even human sacrifice.

What science has revealed to us is that ceremonial burial wasn’t even created by Homo sapiens, but was created — as far as we can tell — by the Neanderthal. Earlier, I mentioned that wishful thinking is the premise for ideology, dogma, and pseudoscience. It can be argued that the purpose of ceremonial burial is an effort to say farewell to a loved one who has — presumably — passed to the ‘other side.’ It is an attempt to give a person dignity even after death. It is an expression of loss and the mourning of that loss.

If we look at Christianity, it is structured hierarchically. There is a king. The Lord, whom we are taught to be subservient to. The word dogma — usually associated with religions — actually means to be accepted uncritically. Christians are taught to do His bidding without question… without remorse. American Evangelical Christians even offer this subservience to Jews. They justify this subservience as an expression of their subservience to the Jewish God.

If we look more closely at the Jews, what do we see? Kabbalah predated what many of us identify as Rabbinic Judaism. This religion — like the others — was steeped in the occult. Even the remnants of Kabbalah suggests it. If we look at the expression “mazel tov,” the etymology of the saying can be traced to when the Hebrews practiced prognostication — looking at signs in the weather, in the stars, or perhaps in tea leaves. Today, “Mazel tov” simply is translated as “good luck,” but originally it could be translated to mean “luck of the stars.” So when the enemies of Israel partook in such practices, it is said to be witchcraft, but when the Jews did the exact same thing — it’s divination or prophecy.

One thing that should startle — and hopefully concern — any objective observer/analyst is that Kabbalah even brags about it being “esoteric.” Esoteric” simply means it is a “secret society.” It was never meant to be understood by the masses. It is Elitist.

Interestingly, no one seems to make this connection that Jews are also Elitist. If the American Revolution was — in fact — anti-monarchist, it was intended to also be anti-Elitist. Today’s establishment — our Elites — have practically canonized the Greek philosopher Socrates. Socrates, was an ardent Elitist. Could this be the reason he is held with such high esteem?

In Book Six of The Republic, Plato describes Socrates in conversation with a character named Adeimantus and he attempted to persuade him of the flaws of democracy by comparing society to a ship. “If you were heading out to sea and a storm approached,” asked Socrates, “who would you ideally want in charge of the vessel? Just anyone or people educated in the art/demands of seafaring?” To which Adeimantus replied, “The latter, of course.” Socrates then responded, “So why then, do we keep thinking that any old person should be fit to judge who should be a ruler of a country?” Socrates was made to drink hemlock for this sedition. That was approximately 2,400 years ago.


Nazi Germany is accused of killing 6 million Jews. Why is questioning the 6 million figure from the Holocaust considered a thoughtcrime in 16 countries? For questioning this number, a person can find themselves serving jail time in a variety of countries who claim to have freedom of speech.

How can the 6 million number be accurate when 16 of the 22 concentration camps identified as those conducting the genocidal program were all shown to have no genocidal gas chambers within them? The four books written by people suggesting Dachau had a genocidal gas chamber (including one author claiming to have worked in that alleged gas chamber) have all been discredited as frauds.

A young Jewish holocaust revisionist named David Cole filmed a few curators at Auschwitz-Birkenau confessing on camera that the holes in the roof of the alleged genocidal gas chamber there were added after the war. In other words, they were added for public consumption.

Plaques at the Auschwitz-Birkenau death camp memorial that inflated the total number of victims were replaced in 1989. The Auschwitz State Museum removed the plaques that alleged 4 million people died there after finding that the number of victims in the two camps in southern Poland was actually between 1.1 million and 1.5 million.

We all know that monopolies work against the principle of a free and open market system, however, no one seems concerned that all the major movie studios in America are owned (or controlled) by Jews (the Hebrew mob). Their control over American media companies rivals their control that they had over the German economy a century ago.


1. Additionally, why does the Transfer Agreement (the Haavara Agreement) never come up? Is it because it can prove that Hitler’s Final Solution wasn’t about killing Jews, but was instead about ridding Germany of Jews through its migration policy? Adolf Hitler was the original Zionist.

2. Emil Maurice was his personal driver and a friend of Adolf Hitler who was Jewish. If Hitler was such an ardent anti-Semite, why did he make him an “Honorary Aryan?”

3. Dr. Eduard Bloch was the Hitler family’s physician as Hitler was growing up and he was also Jewish.

4. Why do the English-speaking countries continue to espouse the lie about how Hitler snubbed Jesse Owens at the 1936 Olympics? Captain Eric “Winkle” Brown was at the 1936 Olympics in Berlin. He recounts the story of how he witnessed Hitler shake Jesse Owens’ hand in a BBC documentary “Britain’s Greatest Pilot: The Extraordinary Story of Captain Winkle Brown.

5. Additionally, why does no one question the Sykes–Picot Agreement or the Balfour Declaration? Perhaps it has become customary to observe countries negotiating in secret about partitions after a war. However, the Balfour Declaration is evidence of Britain bartering with something they didn’t yet have in their possession. Palestine, at the time of the Balfour Declaration, was still in the hands of the Ottoman Empire. How they were so sure their plans would come to fruition? Partially, it my allegation that the reason for such brazen and audacious proclamation was the fact that the Zionists participated in — and perhaps even controlled — much of these negotiations.

6. “Zionism Versus Bolshevism” was an article penned by Winston Churchill in February 1920. In the article, Churchill alleged that the Russian Revolution of 1917 wasn’t Russian, but was rather a Jewish invasion. If substantiated, then Zionist influence could be shown to be much more robust than previously alleged.

7. Why did Henry Ford seemingly have an obsession with what he called the “International Jew”? What were his concerns? Was he simply a bigot or were there other concerns which led to his campaign to disparage Jews? Coincidentally, his campaign coincided with Churchill’s article “Zionism Versus Bolshevism”.

8. To further substantiate the allegations mentioned above, I’ll refer you to the statements and allegations of former Zionist Benjamin Freedman. In 1961, Freedman made a speech in Washington, DC at the Willard Hotel where he alleged that the American Zionists promised to get America into the war if the UK would promise to give them Palestine after the war. He further alleged that the Balfour Declaration was that promise.

What kind of god would play favorites? What god would have a “chosen people”? Is it possible that the secular historians who claim that Rabbinic Judaism and Christianity were both created in the First Century are right? Is it possible that the Christian Bible is the first successful application of projection? In other words, Jews admit a tradition of blood sacrifice. There are also a few stories of human sacrifice. Could we have all been duped and the Canaanites were the less bloodthirsty people and it was the Jews who were the followers of Baal or Moloch? I don’t know, but after the Great Awakening — NOTHING would surprise me. But it’s safe to say that no one has perfected the art of “playing the ‘victim’ or ‘playing the victim card’ better than the Jewish people. Could this be the reason why the Elites have no problems compromising their stooges with pedophilia or cannibalism? They project onto us labels of “The Deplorables.” However, what if the truth is that they are extremely deplorable? Nothing is more deplorable than pedophilia or cannibalism.

I left the Christian church at age 24 because it seemed illogical to me that a god that knows me better than I know myself and knew me before I was born and even knows the number of hairs on top of my head — says that prayer was given to us — partially — as a means to petition him. Why? What purpose could there have been if there was absolutely no chance of us changing his mind? A break in logic only means fraud. I can believe that prayer is an outlet to release anxiety — then why didn’t the scriptures just say so? Why the false hope of petitioning him? I know it’s pointless to argue this, but that’s the original reason I left the church.


The Christian Bible is full of these illogical or contradictory pronouncements. For example:

In Exodus 31:17, it tells us that God was tired and needed to rest, but in Isaiah 40:28, it tells us that God is never tired and never rests.

In Acts 1:24 and Psalms 139:2–3, it tells us that God knows the hearts of men, but in Deuteronomy 13:3 and also Deuteronomy 8:2 and in Genesis 22:12 it tells us that God tries men to find out what’s in their hearts.

There are mountains of contradictions within the pages of the Bible. The Bible contradicts itself again and again. You can find how God delights in burnt offerings, but then he has no pleasure for burnt offerings. He is satisfied with his works, but he is dissatisfied with his works. He’s all-powerful, but he’s not all-powerful. God accepts human sacrifice and he forbids human sacrifice. God tempts men, but God tempts no man. You can find where God has both commanded and forbidden killing. Slavery was both ordained and forbidden. The list is dizzying. I’ll stop now because there are too many to reference here.

That is the reason I had to leave the church. Christianity claims that you can know God through the scriptures. That God speaks to us through his scriptures. However, once you realize what they’re saying is this: YOUR GOD IS A BOOK. You are allowing yourself to be propagandized. By accepting a writing wholeheartedly and without question is a fool’s errand. You can’t find god in a book. If there is a god, you won’t find him in a book or in the written words of others. People have been played.


Because of our Judeo-Christian heritage, we have allowed ourselves to structure our entire society around this belief system. Our academics proclaim that human civilization started approximately 5,000 years ago. Is that based on empirical evidence or is it based upon dogma? Let’s take a look.

I’ll interject here: If you recall that a psychological operation (a PSYOP) is based upon pseudoscience, not science. I hope to show you here — that all of human history has been appropriated to serve the desires of the Elite.

We now have conclusive evidence that homo-sapiens have been on Earth for close to 300,000 years, however, we’re supposed to believe that for 295,000 of those years we were just hunter-gatherers and only in the last 5,000 years did we build civilizations.

Göbekli Tepe is dated to between 9600 and 8800 BCE — or approximately 10,000–11,000 years ago. It’s estimated to be about 50 times bigger than Stonehenge and twice as old.

Gunung Padang is a controversial pyramid structure buried in a hill in Indonesia. What’s fascinating about the structure is its size and the dispute about its origin. There is an ongoing dispute about just how old the structure is. I don’t claim to know nor will I even assess its age here, but I presume that if its original carbon dating results can be substantiated, it could serve as an example similar to Göbekli Tepe to illustrate that the establishment’s narrative to be mistaken or perhaps fraudulent.

The Antikythera Mechanism is another archaeological wonder that defies the existing narrative that has been promulgated to us for the entire 20th Century. This device is much more sophisticated and complex than we thought previously possible for the ancient Greeks. Its complexity and sophistication suggests a degree of mastery in math, engineering, and mechanics that — in many ways — exceeds that of today. We were simply trying to decipher what it was. The person who built it had to conceive it, design it, then fabricate it — a much more intricate process than our task of deciphering its design, purpose, and function.

Around the world we are finding that our ancestors were surprisingly sophisticated. From ancient air conditioning systems in the Middle East to engineering marvels deployed by the Greeks like automated doors. We are coming to grips with the fact that some ancient construction techniques could only be described as superior to our own. Today, we cannot duplicate the feat of fabricating and working the immense stonework that many of our ancient structures utilized as their foundation stones. Many of these massive stones range in size from 500 tons to about 2,000 tons.


If God is a book, how would you substantiate that book to be truthful? In other words, how do you make the Bible historically accurate or relevant? Remember, if the Bible is true, then — as a Jew — I’m His chosen people. If the Bible is untrue, then — as a Jew — I’m nothing significant or special. Only if the Bible is true do I enjoy a special place within the hierarchy.

From observation, we can denote that the universe is expansive and practically infinite, however nothing in our universe appears to function as an absolute. Absolutes do not exist within our universe unless it exists as an aggregate (a sum of all parts).

Cycles are apparent everywhere we look, however. Our seasons, the way we measure time, and the combination of time and space (distance) can help us determine velocity. Hence, everything can be said to be cyclical in nature. If everything truly is cyclical, how likely is it that we (and our human civilization) is on a single J-curve and we are only now on our initial upward trend reaching our apex now? Wouldn’t it only stand to reason that perhaps there has been a multitude of trends — ebbs and flows — into the advancement and decline?


We say there are no coincidences when we discuss the happenings of the 20th and 21st Centuries, but just like in an investigation into a plane crash, usually it isn’t a single factor that led to the crash. Usually, there is a chain of events which led to the mishap. This chain can be referred to as “coincidences” perhaps. Without these few factors lining-up, the outcome could have possibly been avoided.

Whether the Khazarian Myth is wholly true or just partially true is irrelevant. The fact that when the Khazars converted to Judaism may have influenced events down throughout time. Is it possible that it was the Khazars who helped politicize Judaism? In other words, if the Khazars hadn’t converted to Judaism, is it possible that there may have never been a Zionist Movement? Was it their influence which convinced the Rothschilds to seek World Domination / Dominion? (We may never know the truth.)

If the Monarchists first attained global influence with Alexander the Great, the Macedonian King who helped destroy the Athenian Republic, then it’s really irrelevant about the Khazarian influence. Regardless, it remains apparent that the Monarchists and the Kabbalahists were both Elitists. They both used secrecy as a means to achieve their ends.

Why then would they cooperate? One reason Elitists embrace secrecy is because they embrace a Zero Sum mindset. The more people they share their information with equates to them distilling their power. Information is power. The practice of controlling the dissemination of information as a means to maintain a hold on power is nothing new. Hence, the incentive to create esoteric fraternities and secret societies in the first place.

By both wishing to remain secretive means that information may also be leveraged as a means to influence the other. What if the each knew something about the other which could be leveraged as a means to influence the other? What if the Monarchists knew that the Bible was a fraud? Why would they reveal it? They couldn’t. If they divulged to the masses the deception of the Bible, then they would risk undermining their own legitimacy of their respective thrones throughout Europe. Is this why the Knights Templar had to be dealt with so harshly? Did they know too much?

The Hebrew mob knew this and used this to their advantage for centuries. They knew no direct challenges would come from the monarchs because they feared any questions of their legitimacy on the throne. However, in recent history we witnessed the English monarch betray his own relatives sitting on thrones throughout Europe. The English royalty allowed for the destruction of all other monarchies on the planet. Why? Why would the English betray their own relatives for the sake of an alliance with a Hebrew mob? The Jewish bankers had already attained hefty influence over the monarchs after cornering the banking industry. Why would they need more influence?

The only answer that can justify this betrayal is that the Hebrew mob/mafia were not satisfied with that level of influence. They wanted more. They apparently, not only wanted influence, but control. They sought world dominance… world control.

What gave them this degree of influence which could make the English king betray his own family? I believe they discovered that the English king was illegitimate. This illegitimacy is probably what led to the Church of England, the English Civil War, War of the Roses and all the other chaos of the 17th Century.

In other words, if the Vatican knew that Edward IV was illegitimate, Henry VIII could’ve seen the Vatican as a threat to his power. By creating the Church of England, he could insulate himself from Vatican influence — or he preempted any leveraging of this information by the Vatican against him.

If the Jewish mob knew the English monarchs were illegitimate, then it would explain why shortly after the Rothschild family attained peerage, we witnessed an explosion of advocacy for Zionism and the financing of the various groups which today we can call the Anglo-American Empire (i.e., Rhodes Scholars, The Pilgrim Society, the Y.M.C. A., an outpouring of investment in both the German and the American Industrial Revolutions, etc.).

These bankers probably realized that if they didn’t finance these countries Industrial Revolutions, somebody else would have. By being the money men for these Industrial Revolutions meant that they could expand their control. They could “get out in front of it” and would be better positioned in the event other investment opportunities arose in the future.

By joining forces, the Monarchs improved their stature and benefited from the subtleties of the Hebrew mafia. Using debt as a means to control the monarchs has always taken tact and finesse, not coercion. If someone didn’t pay their debts to the monarchs, the threat of imprisonment, enslavement, or conscription could always be used as a means to coerce subjects into compliance. However, holding debt over someone’s head has always been considered a gentleman’s game. Of course, you can’t expect to coerce a monarch with threats of violence.

Their system was quite ingenious. Divide the society into two camps — producers and consumers. If the gentry controlled all the means of production, then they could further extract wealth from the masses. Over time, the extraction of wealth or wealth transfer increasingly became more sophisticated. The gentry added various taxes, fees, and fines to increasingly extract more and more wealth from their subjects — who never even acknowledged being a subject of the monarchs.

They convinced people that taking on debt wasn’t only acceptable, but a noble attempt to enhance their family’s quality of life and even contribute back to the community. By assuming more debt meant building credit scores, generating wealth, and increasing the flow of capital to certain industries, regions, or populations. This was the finesse of the bankers at work. Not coercion, but finesse!

Like a conman, who targets a gullible populace, so too the bankers found their gullible victims. People were willing to trust them because they seemingly were successful and circulated with only the most respectable pillars of society — our heroes. Our successful Capitalists — like John D. Rockefeller and Andrew Carnegie — were a testament to the feasibility of our system, not its corruption! People held them up as examples to be emulated.

Cecil Rhodes established De Beers Consolidated Mines Limited in 1888. By 1900, De Beers controlled approximately 90 percent of the world’s diamond market. He was heavily financed with Rothschild money. It was Rhodes and Alfred Milner who established the Round Tables, the CFR and the Rhodes Scholars.

The Populist Party in America became a viable threat to the two existing parties in 1892. Having just two parties meant the Hegelian dialectic could be easily deployed as a means to control the American political agenda. Interestingly, the Spanish-American War just started a few years later. Rudolf Hearst’s yellow journalism was responsible for hyping the war and was the first time that America went to war on behalf of bringing democracy to someone else. Since then, every war involving America has been framed in such a way.

These same bankers shaped the development of both the American and German economies due to their vast infusion of capital. Information is power, hence the Jewish obsession with movies and all other forms of media. If not for their involvement, the success of Hollywood and perhaps Las Vegas would have probably been much more modest.

The Flexner Report was in 1910. This is where both Andrew Carnegie and John D. Rockefeller (both heavily financed by the Rothschilds) advocated cornering the medical industry. They did this by cleverly ridiculing most medical philosophies at the time (i.e., Homeopathy, Natural medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine, etc.) and heavily endorsed pharmacology (which Rockefeller was intimately familiar with since his father was a snake oil salesman).

The Flexner Report gave these men the excuse to invest great swathes of capital in education — namely medical schools — but this is also when the medical profession became an industry. Hospitals were constructed in every city. Medical universities were expensive and doctors’ debt could be a means to leverage control over their diagnostic practices and choice of remedies. Both Rockefeller and Carnegie heavily invested in education and the pharmaceutical industry. It isn’t coincidence that the massive pharmaceutical industry relied heavily on the petroleum industry — the main industry which brought Rockefeller his vast wealth.

The Federal Reserve was secretly devised on Jekyll Island and was founded in 1913. The next year saw the start of World War II. Shortly thereafter, a university professor with minimal political experience named Woodrow Wilson would become president of the United States. Despite his calls for remaining neutral in the political election, he would later lead the nation into World War I.

February 1917 — just two months before America joined that war — a few American Congressmen led by Oscar Callaway started reading articles into the U.S. Congressional Record. The Balfour Declaration came later that year. The Balfour Declaration is a letter where England publicly acknowledges its intent to give Palestine to the Jews.

In 1924, the Phoebus Cartel was founded as a means to control pricing and development of the incandescent light bulb. The cartel would later be sued by the U.S. government which the government won that lawsuit. However, the loss had no impact whatsoever on its agenda to significantly impede the quality of the incandescent light bulb. The light bulb was only the first victim of “planned obsolescence.” Throughout the 20th Century, this became the rule — not the exception — of how to conduct business in America.

In 1932 America experienced the Business Plot and the U.S. Marine General who blew the whistle wrote a book shortly thereafter. General Smedley Butler penned “War is a Racket” where he referred to himself as a thug for Capitalists.

Even King Edward VIII of England’s abdication in 1937 can be attributed to this dynamic. Rather than fight the bankers and to preserve his family’s legacy on the throne, it was better for him to just walk away, rather than fight. He and his family clearly liked Adolf Hitler and respected what the Nazis had achieved in Germany.

The 20th Century is replete with evidence linking the British Royal family, the vastly wealthy Hebrew mob headed by the Rothschild family, and American Corporatists… and later international Corporatists.

Propaganda was taken to a whole new level due to the development of the sciences Psychology and Psychiatry. Edward Bernays rewarded the Elitists handsomely with his findings about how to influence other people.

Four distinct examples come to mind as I think of ways to illustrate just how manipulative they have been with the information surrounding their influence on America. First, is the Jewish holocaust. Second, is the assassination of US President Kennedy. Third, is the USS Liberty incident. Fourth, 9–11. Any objective researcher can find a mountain of anomalies if they’re willing to research any one of these topics.


Lastly, we come to the Elitists greatest fear. They fear the secularization of the masses. Why? Because once people can distance themselves from the propaganda, they can see just how they have been manipulated. My entire life, I always thought of the Illuminati as bad. However, it occurred to me recently that even that notion could be spin or disinformation.

People talk about the Illuminati as though they are the enemy. The secularists are not the ones conducting rituals in the cellar of their homes — that’s the Elitists. If it is true that they found skeletons under the floorboard of Benjamin Franklin’s London residence, perhaps he wasn’t Illuminati, but was a spy for the monarchists? The Elitists have successfully projected this onto them. Becoming secular won’t make you evil because you distance yourself from God. On the contrary, realizing that the Bible is a form of propaganda awakens people to the agenda of our Elite. This is the real reason that the 56 men who signed America’s Declaration of Independence were all Gentiles. They were either Illuminati or spies of the Loyalists. This is the reason many of our founding fathers identified as Deists. They were pragmatic enough to realize that the reality of the situation was this god of the Bible was not an active god, but a passive one. If truly honest with themselves, they’d have to admit that they’d never witnessed a miracle nor had they witnessed anything that genuinely could be quantified as miraculous.

This is why America is special. This is why America is the beacon on the hill. America was the starting place for the movement away from the Monarchists and Elitists. The American Revolution wasn’t the end, but the beginning. It led to the French, Russian, and Chinese Revolutions and the Spanish Civil War. COVID-19 is only their latest exploitation of the masses. However, it will be used as means to illustrate to the masses their deception and delusion. This paradigm is broken and we need a new one.




Written by Volshebny

A simple boy from the rural areas of upstate South Carolina. I've gotten around a bit. I've lived in various countries and seen many things.

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