If You’re Not Part of the Solution, You’re Part of the Problem

5 min readApr 15, 2022


I want to take this time to thank all of you who have been with me since the beginning. I’ve been writing these articles since February 2016. Fortunately, our story must come to a close. It’s a happy ending, I assure you. How can I be so sure? Call it a hunch.

If you were ruler of a kingdom and found yourself asking, “How can I improve the conditions for my kingdom and my people?” How would you answer that? Better yet, how would you pursue it? ln that pursuit, would you pursue the ideal society? What’s the defining criteria for an ideal society? Ideal for whom, perhaps?

Whether you are the king or an advisor to the king, it is in your vested interest to pursue these questions in earnest. Especially after reading John Locke, Thomas Paine, Karl Marx or anyone advocating a “Social Contract” theory like Thomas Hobbes or Jean-Jacques Rousseau — or any proponents of natural law. All these ideas give reason for the common man to remain hopeful for the future. All these ideas espouse an attempt to balance the age old quandary of the relationship between the individual citizen and the society at large. The more freedom you give the individual, the less secure the society and inversely the more secure a society, the less free the individual and individual freedoms or civil liberties.

That’s the beauty of political philosophy — they failed to erase it — it still exists and maintains its integrity. We can observe the process described by these writers. We have plenty of empirical evidence to prove their observations plausible. We can truly appreciate their diligence and foresight. These giants of political philosophy have given us a path. It is up to us whether we take that path.

However, if a king is exercising his due diligence in a purely altruistic fashion, then Utopia (i.e., defined here as being a society that optimizes benefit to the most people possible; preserving dignity and equity for all) would ultimately become their pursuit and a well-read leader would come to a startling conclusion. The definition of ideal has had to change over time. We adapt our definition for ideal society based upon technology available. Although Plato, Sir Thomas More, Karl Marx, and Gene Roddenberry wrote of Utopia — their vision for their societies were all vastly different.

James Hammond, a South Carolina Senator who gave us the “Mudsill Theory” on the floor of the U.S. Senate in 1857 during the “Cotton is King” speech, he was operating for the premise that Sir Thomas More’s Utopia could be implemented. Remember, Sir Thomas More wrote Utopia in 1516. Many English aristocracy, which James Hammond was a member, advocated for slavery due to More’s inclusion of the institution in his utopia.

The 20th Century and the Birth of the National Security State

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is a joke. The Pentagon, the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS), the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), and the National Security Council (NSC) are all jokes! No, not because I’m accusing the of being paper tigers — quite the contrary. I’m accusing them of targeting the wrong people. They work for the wrong purpose. They are morally corrupt institutions.

The FBI was probably constructed in order to consolidate power. In other words, they didn’t want competition into the world’s lucrative black-markets. They no longer wished to share the pie with the world’s Cosa Nostras and other organized crime syndicates. The others listed above were all created with one piece of legislation back in 1947 called the “National Security Act of 1947.” They wanted to bring those black-marketing operations to be brought “in-house,” meaning they wanted them to become part of the government. One way to do that was the creation of the National Security State, creating Black-Ops financed operations that could be guarded and compartmentalized… hidden, not from America’s enemies, but rather from the American people. The extent and the accuracy of the above allegations will have to wait as we discover the extent of America’s corruption.

Many people talk about secret societies. A greatly revered U.S. President was taken from us November 22, 1963. A bullet ripped through him and shredded our hope for a leader capable of repulsing this incursion. JFK was one of the first to warn us of the dangers of secrecy.

Spies operate in the shadows. It was a clever inception, to enable the observance of secrecy involving anything related to government. Hence, spying and spy craft also became something of legend in the twentieth century. The National Security States around the globe glorified their exploits with memorials and even in our pop culture and on the silver screen we made our spies our rock stars. The spies of the 20th Century became our folk heroes.

The amount of corruption I’m alleging is astronomical. Seeing Joe Biden or Hillary Rodham Clinton in shackles and doing a perp walk will not be the end to this. That will only be the start. It’s my uneducated and unsubstantiated guess — merely a guess — but probably 50% of America’s prison populations could be and probably SHOULD BE released once we discover the full extent of our FBI, DOJ, and Deep State corruption. There will probably be millions of people demanding a retrial or mistrial… and they probably deserve it. The mess they’ve made of everything is truly staggering. However, together we can clean this up, repair our tattered and sullied institutions, and prepare for a brighter future — one evolved and grown without their interference and depraved influence.

I leave you with this thought. Elon Musk just offered to buy Twitter for $42 billion USD, but his motivation had nothing to do with making money. He said it had to do with “saving (human) civilization.” Thank you, Mr. Musk. I commend you and applaud you. I think I speak for everyone when I say, “We appreciate you ‘putting your money where your mouth is’ and standing up for what you hold dear. We express the utmost respect and gratitude to you. Thank you.”

Lastly, he was denied, but at the live TED Talk he attended in Vancouver he said that he does have a Plan B. They gave him a “poison pill” in response. However, this is the beginning of the end. As long as Elon Musk continues on this path, we have a right to celebrate.




Written by Volshebny

A simple boy from the rural areas of upstate South Carolina. I've gotten around a bit. I've lived in various countries and seen many things.

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