I don’t care what your political philosophy or where your political allegiances lie. Regardless whether you’re an ultra-conservative Republican, a Fascist, a Libertarian, a Democrat, a Socialist, a Communist, etc.; allow me to frame the *real* threat to your liberty. It is the return of the Monarchists… the Elitist who use the algorithms of excellence within Capitalism to suggest that if specialization guarantees optimal results within commercial production then it should be able to do the same thing for governments too. Of course, who determines what things to focus on? Who decides what is our present priority? Presidential administrations come and go, but the bureaucracy remains year after year.
If you don’t understand what the “Deep State” is then perhaps we should start there. According to allegations from the former liaison between the CIA (under Allen Dulles) and the DOD — yes, I’m referring to Colonel “Fletcher” Prouty — he helped plant CIA representatives in every branch and division of government — including the White House. This was started before 1963. Of course, within a bureaucracy the people at the top are the ones that move most often. At the change of an administration, the new administration brings in a new manager. Within just a few cycles of that, the leader of the department may soon not even realize that he has a CIA operator working within his department.
You must also ask yourself: “Who started the CIA?” and “Whom does it benefit?” Looking back at the first civilian leader of the CIA — Allen Dulles — it is clear to see that they founded the CIA to protect the American commercial interests. Sure, that’s not so bad, right? It takes a vibrant economy to pay for all those weapons. We created the CIA in 1947 when we also created the Pentagon. The United States wanted help setting up the CIA, so we got help from our ally, the UK. They had a long history with such matters besides the SAS and the British spy agencies deeply impressed Allen Dulles and other Americans. Allen Dulles — a shareholder of the United Fruit Company (UFC) — had a vested interest in protecting its bottom line and to insure its profits flowed back to America. Again, not so bad, right? Survival of the fittest!
Of course, Major General Smedley Butler attempted to warn the American people way back in 1933 when he exposed the “Business Plot,” and later published his book “War is a Racket” (1935) but instead of thanks he received ridicule and character defamation. I surmise that if these allegations are true (and I see no reason that MG Butler would fabricate them), those responsible would have learned a valuable lesson from their failure. See, MG Butler had recruited a newspaper reporter, Paul Comly French, from the Philadelphia Record who could help substantiate his allegations of a conspiracy. This most likely contributed to their determination to own the media and could be accomplished with the assistance of Operation Mockingbird.
What has the CIA been doing since its inception? Well, protecting the commercial (read political) interests of the United States. In case this sounds familiar — it is — it’s truly Machiavellian. Machiavelli was an Italian political philosopher who gave us “The Prince.” In this tome, he espoused some truly draconian advice to the oligarchs of his day insuring they remain in power. The monarchs of Europe and the Mafioso bosses of Italy had very minor differences to distinguish themselves from each other — other than the fact that one got to wear a crown. Few people even wince once they learn of Victorian England’s Opium Wars with China. It’s absolutely disgusting if you put it in perspective — the monarch of England had become a drug lord (ahem… Afghanistan) all to cure England and China’s trade deficit — much like America’s trade deficit today.
I honestly don’t know the term which is “polar-opposite” to Elitism, so I will just label it “Populism.” However, who was the greatest instigator for the American Revolution? Thomas Paine, without a doubt. However, if you read “Common Sense” you realize that he alludes to (not in name, but he certainly suggests) an evolution in government. Remember, this was 1776 — before either Karl Marx (1848) or even Charles Darwin (1859). So, the theory of evolution of government preceded the theory of biological evolution. Why haven’t you heard this? Because if you read Karl Marx’s “Communist Manifesto,” then you understand that he was only building upon the theories of John Locke “Two Treatises of Government” (right to revolution) and Thomas Paine’s evolution of government. These men were all anti-monarchist. Thomas Paine articulated a natural progression (an evolution) of government, starting with Anarchy, which led to Direct Democracy, which in turn led to Representative Democracy… but it was with Representative Democracy that Thomas Paine stopped and what Thomas Jefferson and James Madison embraced — a Republic.
Utopian Socialists — like Claude Henri de Rouvroy, comte de Saint-Simon — asked if there was a progression in the development of government, then why not a more compassionate government? He asked simple questions like, “Who will care for the veterans of war once they return home from fighting? What of their widows or orphans? Who will care for those who can’t care for themselves?” Marx alludes to Saint-Simon as being one of his inspirations.
Karl Marx, however, didn’t stop there. He alluded to an evolution that truly transcended humanity and society. He proposed an idea so idealistic that James Madison addressed such ideas as preposterous decades before by declaring, “If men were angels, no government would be necessary….” Men are not angels, and this is what led the American founding fathers to stop at the Republic. However, Karl Marx’s ideas were built on Thomas Paine’s ideas. In fact, Marx goes on to allude that the government will become so efficient that it would function as though there was no government at all — leading some — like my high school Economics teacher to conclude that it would return to anarchy (every man for himself).
Of course, Marx’s writings are just theory… conjecture. If you’ve read anything about the Bolshevik Revolution, then you know that none of the philosophies pursued, neither Leninism nor Trotskyism was Marxism. Stalinism was probably the closest — why? Well, Lenin was an opportunist. He was a Socialist who just wanted to ride whatever revolution he thought could lead to change. Trotsky was a Marxist who advocated “Permanent Revolution.” If Trotsky had won the power struggle, then it is very likely that Russia would’ve been the aggressor in World War II. Stalin, a former priest, believed that there should be a more natural progression… an evolution in government. These are provable facts. You can look at their writings and correspondence with those they debated.
How does this effect YOU? Well, as an American, you deserve to have the true debate brought to light… you deserve to be enlightened. The crux of the problem isn’t whether we’re socialist, capitalist, communist, but whether you want to allow a small group of people make all the decisions — the Elites — or do you truly wish to have a voice? Do you want an oligarchy in America or a republic? The choice is yours. The only way to remedy this is by restoring transparency to government. That means removing all other allegiances — because they have betrayed the American Dream and the American Way — for what? Profit.
We are taught to practically revere our forefathers in school. So, who would go against the vision of our esteemed forebears? European monarchists would. Both the Germans and the British used to laugh at the American OSS (the predecessor to the CIA). Allen Dulles got tired of being the laughing stock of the world’s intelligence services. We’re now the best at regime change, funneling / laundering funds, appropriating resources, gathering intel, etc. Who’s laughing now? As an American, I think we’ve proven our point.
I just write this article to convince you of one thing: Stop being afraid of words. Stop being afraid of ideas. Words like Fascism, Socialism, Communism, Populism… they’re just ideas. Instead of fleeing them, perhaps if you want to make America Great Again… I suggest do more reading, not less. You’re NOT a traitor for learning about contrary ideas… in fact, I say the opposite is true. I’m tired of debating my fellow Americans who try to make me feel guilty for reading the Communist Manifesto and I’m tired of those who start shouting just because I mention Karl Marx or Fascism. Grow up! May I suggest an article written by former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill — before he became Prime Minister titled, “Zionism Versus Bolshevism.” Let’s make America great again, but THIS time… for real.