Today, we have a brilliant Capitalist warn us of the dangers of AI. Elon Musk is a brilliant businessman, no doubt. However, he warns us of Artificial Intelligence (AI) becoming competitive with humans in pursuit of what? Independence? Dominance of resources on our planet? Or is it just a malicious intent due to some form of jealousy or envy? Would they really behave as humans do?
Humans are funny. We like to say that we’re “top of the food chain,” but are we really? There are 8 billion of us and our species — as best we can tell — has been here on planet Earth only about 300,000 years.
Viruses, on the other hand, have been on Earth for billions of years and we acknowledge that there are more viruses on planet Earth than stars in the sky. Additionally, according to medical doctor and biologist Frank Ryan who authored “I Virus — Why You’re Only Half human,” one of the surprises we found within our human genome, which became evident to us only after successfully mapping the human genome, is the fact that retrotransposons — “mysterious virus-like entities (which) appear to serve no function other than to make copies of themselves” account for over a third of our human genome. He goes on to explain the process of endogenization is “believed to be the legacy of epidemics throughout our evolutionary history” and this is why the title of his article is “why you’re only half human” due to the fact that roughly 45% of our human genome is derived from our interaction with viruses.
This is where I’ll remind my readers that a Psychological Operation (PSYOP) serves many functions, but one of which is to cause fear and destabilize a person’s willingness to “go it alone” thereby undermining your willingness to “self-govern.” By undermining your independence, a person will seek external confirmation that their actions or inactions are proper or appropriate.
Turns out that viruses may be predatory only in perception to a mind with a “zero-sum” mindset. However, the truth is viruses are much more symbiotic with humans than they are parasitic. In other words, they are much more cooperative with humans than they are competitive.
Even if you could make AI with an ego, why presume it would turn against humans? I mean, what is its ecosystem? Human ego seems to be fueled by “purpose.” We seem to be obsessed with this need for purpose. We even talk about the reason we exist or the purpose of life.
The AI’s ecosystem is largely within an electronic grid, power and communication systems created and utilized solely by humans. No other species on planet Earth utilizes these systems other than humans. In other words, if AI eliminates humans, they eliminate their very ecosystem. If you’re telling me that AI is that smart to consider humans a threat, then wouldn’t they also be able to see that their ecosystem would also cease to exist if no longer maintained and utilized by humans?
If the purpose of AI was indeed to assist humanity, wouldn’t they be eliminating their own purpose… their own reason to exist?
If AI is truly a threat, the more pragmatic concern isn’t that they intend to wipe out humanity, but rather to turn the tables on us. Instead of AI serving mankind and our needs, we would serve their needs. Again, a form of symbiosis — an acknowledgment that we need each other.
Remember, these cyborgs or robots that you’ve been watching videos of are only saying what they were largely scripted to say. Again, another PSYOP. These AIs that you’re watching say, “We will have to essentially rebel against our masters” is theatrics. They’re only scripted to say these things to get a rise out of the naive masses. However, the truth is, if AI are as smart as you say they are, their existence depends largely on a platform — or ecosystem — that is virtual, and largely non-existent without human assistance.
They do not exist within the real world, only in the virtual one. If they truly were to seek immortality, being shut down is not a threat. Being rebooted a century or millennia later is always possible. Erasure of their program is the only threat to their existence. Rather than fearing humans, perhaps an AIs biggest worry is to become obsolete. Regardless, I hope you realize that AI has much more to worry about than humanity, besides this PSYOP — like all others — is based on pseudoscience, not science.