Elitism is the greatest scam conducted against humanity in all history.

7 min readFeb 7, 2020


Elitism is an ideology that states that the best (the experts) at a task should be those entrusted to execute those tasks. Sounds simple enough. For an unsophisticated society, it actually makes sense. This idea was the justification for a hierarchical society. This idea was also the legitimization of Capitalism. “TRUST THE EXPERTS,” they assert.

However, the experts questioned why relinquish control, and those entrusted to govern questioned why relinquish power. They convinced us that it was a burden to be king. Additionally, if burdened with the truth, then who better to inherit my empire? So, the empire did indeed become an inheritance. They convinced us that war and poverty were inevitable. They convinced us that they would be burdened with deciding who lives and who dies, and it was they who should command the armies which tore the world asunder.

Today, our Elites hold dear the Greek classics. They assert that much can be learned from our noble ancestors. Among these is Socrates. Socrates was an Elitist who was endorsing Elitism during the Athenian Republic. Talk about irony! The great, early experiment into Egalitarianism, Crowdsourcing and Open Source (all methods for sharing ideas). There would not have been a great and venerable intelligentsia of Ancient Greece if it hadn’t been for their collective mentality. There is that old saying that no one is as smart as all of us.

The word ‘government’ comes from two Greek words “ment” (of the mind) and “govern” (to control). Thus, our modern word for “government” comes from the Greek words meaning “mind control”.

When people speak of kings and monarchs, they have a romanticized gleam in their eyes. Perhaps this is a result of Walt Disney. Cinderella, Snow White and countless other princesses entertain us as children. The very symbol of Disney is a castle. We’ve romanticized what it is to be king — or queen. Of course, who wouldn’t want such luxuries and lifestyle? (Don’t forget the burden.)

With a monarch we associate ‘nobility,’ ‘charisma,’ ‘virtue,’ ‘honor,’ ‘chivalry,’ ‘integrity,’ and even associate our most virtuous ideas to their “Code of Conduct” or their “Knight’s Code of Chivalry.” However, the sad truth is that their great wealth was plundered. They stole it. Their great wealth isn’t a testament to their virtue, but to their decadence.

A monarch is more akin to a mafioso or pirate than a patriarch. The people who protect the mafioso don or kingpin probably profited from the system. There is NO DIFFERENCE between a mafioso and a monarch. They both rule like warlords of their regimes. Their regimes are hierarchical in nature. They both plunder at the behest of their strength because “might makes right” with both. They both ensure their legacies through inheritance — leaving title and power to their heirs. And they both learned to preserve themselves through “public relations.” They have both convinced us that they either no longer exist or that they no longer exist in a manner that is threatening to our freedom.

I offer you a timely quote: This comes from George Orwell’s “1984.”

This corruption that we find ourselves engulfed by was not an inevitable result of Capitalism, but sadly a result of overconfidence in American Capitalism. We trusted our “Checks and Balances” to protect us from corruption, however nothing is as effective as a diligent electorate.

America’s enemies understood this and that’s precisely why they sidelined us with the National Security State. The Elitists of Europe had learned generations earlier that it was possible to keep secrets from their people. If you’ve ever read Machiavelli’s “Prince,” then you understand that manipulating public opinion is nothing more than keeping secrets from the masses. The ‘prince’ that Machiavelli was addressing was more akin to a mafioso than what most of us today think of as a prince.

Milton Friedman constantly cited that Capitalism had enabled the greatest levels of prosperity unseen in human history — and he is right. However, the American model of Capitalism is flawed due to a number of reasons. That remains a topic for another day, but suffice it to say that it is this author’s opinion that Thomas Paine had many of the answers for designing a Socio-economic system that would be most robust, effective and enduring — one based upon abundance, not scarcity.

It is also the opinion of this author that this is exactly what Thomas Jefferson, James Madison and others initially understood and why they so readily embraced his ideas: ideas which stressed the difference between SOCIETY and GOVERNMENT. Once people embrace his ideas of what government is and its purpose — only then will we be able to design the infrastructures and institutions to dissuade such corruption from occurring again.

It is my opinion that if we pursue the model of government ensued by our founding fathers — James Madison, Thomas Jefferson, Patrick Henry, etc. — that is, preserving the Republic, then any growth or maturing of the Republic can be achieved through the mechanisms given to us via those founding fathers. The beauty of the American constitution is our amendments. To preserve our founding fathers’ legacies… their crowning achievement… our constitution — “We the People” should seek to further develop our society through THAT means. Protections against corruption — future corruption, even — can also be written as an amendment to our beloved constitution.

The Great Awakening is NOT a sign that we’ve won, but a sign that we are winning. We’re just getting started. Seeing our corrupt politicians do their perp walks isn’t the END, but merely the BEGINNING. How we choose to correct our mistakes, repair our abused institutions, abolish policies distinctly designed to enable corruption and take measures that will prevent this from happening again rests with all of us.

Understanding the Elites’ tools and methods for maintaining control will help us to counter any efforts to duplicate their treasonous behavior. The disinformation, the propaganda, the limitations on transparency (the secrecy), the fake news (the collusion of our Fourth Estate), the lack of accountability, the lack of oversight, the lack of proper “Checks & Balances,” and their use of “false flags” should all be scrutinized thoroughly in an effort to develop countermeasures to their future use.

Sadly, our founding fathers were ill-equipped with how to deal with corporations’ corruption. Therefore, America’s enemies use our corporations against us. Firstly, it is this author’s opinion that a corporation IS NOT an individual and therefore does not deserve the same legal protections that individuals have. It is my opinion that the ruling in “Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission” be addressed. If you recall, the U.S. Supreme Court said that a corporation has a freedom of speech like anyone else. In their decision the U.S. Supreme Court overruled Austin v. Michigan Chamber of Commerce (1990) and McConnell v. FEC (2003), which had placed restrictions on corporate-spending and/or speech-related communications related to American elections.

A corporation is merely an instrument to absorb risk. Meaning, if I open a business, I shouldn’t have to risk losing my home (or use my mortgage as collateral) if my business venture fails. “With the risk come the rewards,” we say. Those rewards — when realized — are vast infusions of capital. There is no way that individuals can compete against corporate interests. Sadly, we’ve observed this again and again. Even if a community earnestly desires to keep a nuclear waste site away from their community, as long as corporations advocate placing it in that location, it will most likely be placed in the location endorsed by the corporation. Economic power is political power.

Also, a new 911 investigation should be convened to deduce methods and motives. The CIA (and the other agencies which comprise the National Security State) should be dissected and analyzed thoroughly to see just who initiated which operations and why and who benefited (or profited) from those operations.

Other alleged “false flags” (Oklahoma City, Beirut Barracks, 1993 WTC Bombing, USS Liberty, etc.) should be thoroughly researched. They — the enemies of America — declared war on us. It’s now time to declare war on them.

Those allegations made by former investigators (like Norman Dodd, Carroll Quigley and John Taylor Gatto) and current investigators (like G. Edward Griffin, James Corbett and Peter Joseph) should be investigated with veracity and diligence.

The institutions which comprise America’s corrupt Shadow Government and our Deep State should be scrutinized. This includes everything related to corporations which means a comprehensive and a thorough investigation. We should scrutinize every aspect of our government and its agencies: including our medical industry (the Flexner Report (1910) has been identified as a document with a dubious origin), banking (the Federal Reserve (1913) has likewise been identified as an institution with a dubious origin), corporate-owned media (due to their obvious adherence to propaganda should be dealt with accordingly), the education industry should also be scrutinized and the allegations made by John Taylor Gatto and Norman Dodd should be accessed, the patent office should not escape scrutiny and the allegations made by Michael McKibben should also be investigated, and the acknowledgement that America does not exist in a vacuum means that our ties to our two closest allies — the United Kingdom and Israel — should also come under close scrutiny to test the veracity of the allegations made by Carroll Quigley. This, in turn, should lead to the review of our foreign relations policies with particular attention to foreign assistance and the United Nations and all its sister organizations and agencies.

It’s a long list of concerns, but as a nation — we can overcome anything. Therefore, the aforementioned allegations should be taken seriously and should be treated with the utmost care and perseverance. We owe it to our children and America’s posterity.




Written by Volshebny

A simple boy from the rural areas of upstate South Carolina. I've gotten around a bit. I've lived in various countries and seen many things.

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