America’s Top Priority

6 min readFeb 18, 2021


Since Donald J. Trump offered so much hope — much like his predecessor Barack Obama — let’s be frank about what should be America’s main concern. See, the last two presidents have been anti-establishment votes. Haaretz is an Israeli newspaper and is the oldest newspaper printed in Israel (since 1918). You can find articles that praise Barack Obama online.

Of course, “Foreign Policy” also provides insight into America’s status quo.

You can also find articles that praise Donald Trump online. “The Jerusalem Post” is another Israeli newspaper established in 1932 during the British Mandate of Palestine.

What other issue is so ubiquitous so as to garner bipartisan support in the American Beltway? What other issue has both Democrats and Republicans literally falling over each other trying to demonstrate their loyalty to the cause? Of course, everyone knows Donald J. Trump is a braggart, but here he is bragging about what he’s done for Israel.

If you recall both the Occupy Wall Street and the Tea Party movements were created because both liberals and conservatives can agree that the economic implosion of 2008 and the people responsible for it should’ve been held accountable. Most Americans can agree that while life may not be fair, it’s a good idea to, at least, try to remain fair and equitable in our treatment of each other. Sports are so much more rewarding when people compete on a “level playing field,” for instance. Besides, by holding those accountable for misdeeds could serve as an example to deter others from duplicating such foul and vile acts that serve no one except an exclusive group/cartel/syndicate/oligarch.

So then, what should be one of America’s top issues in the coming 2022–2028 elections? We have endured quite a bit during the beginning of the 21st Century. It seems the 21st Century is starting out pretty rough. We’ve had elections stolen in 2000 and 2020. We had primaries stolen — like HRC winning the Democratic primary in 2016, but anyone with any integrity will admit she stole it from Bernie Sanders.

We have endured COVID-19, fake news, pedophilia seemingly everywhere, revelations that the Intelligence Community (IC) spies on us ubiquitously, and that this agenda is assisted by a Fourth Estate and Big Tech that seem to be hell-bent on censuring anything and everything related to truth.

Trump has made us aware of just how threatening the Chinese are. He has heightened our awareness about just how much we’re influenced by them.

Is corruption our primary concern? China? COVID-19? The economy? What should be America’s top concern in the coming elections? The answer is — none of these. Don’t get me wrong, I think it’s fantastic that our fellow citizens are educating themselves on China and the Three Warfares Doctrine, COVID-19, and I’m even glad to see that our fellow citizens research the environment and feel compelled to take care of our planet. However, if you TRULY feel morally compelled to do something for this generation and the next — research how billions of dollars are being spent in Israel. Why does Israel thumb its nose at international law, but no one says anything? If you want to feel good about yourself and take on some responsibility that could have a meaningful impact on our planet — research Israel.

America’s top priority should be to understand its relationship with its two closest allies — the UK and Israel. Part of the problem is that Americans have no idea what they’re facing. Part of the problem is that you can’t see the forest for the trees. Part of the problem is that you don’t even know who is opposing you… manipulating you.


Anna Baltzer is a Jewish American activist who is trying to educate the American public about how their unaccounted-for tax dollars are being used to subsidize illegal settlements, committing atrocities against the Palestinian people on a daily basis, much of these billions finds its way back to D.C. in the form of bribes. Peter Schweizer asks, “How did they get so much money?” The answer is through kickbacks from the Israeli Lobby (among others).

Notice how in the anecdote that Anna Baltzer offers, the American version of a leading magazine, the editors decided to leave out the story of the Palestinians. Why? Are Americans not interested in the Middle East? Do your homework. You owe it to your children.


She’s an author that has thoroughly researched and prodigiously documented our hidden history regarding Israel.

The F-35 is a marvelous achievement. Americans should be proud of its accomplishments. We helped steer the world away from a nuclear catastrophe called WWIII. Of all the countries that have been sold the F-35, do you know which country was the first to deploy the F-35 in combat? Would you have guessed the United States since it is our great achievement? No, it wasn’t the U.S. It was Israel.

For the last few decades, the oil men have controlled the world. The world has relied on fossil fuels for about a century. They will stupefy you with their infinite energy. You will be thankful to them for providing Project ITER (nuclear fusion power). Donald J. Trump is a delay tactic. He is merely buying them time to get everything in place.

You have to ask yourself, why would the people who established the National Security State almost immediately start researching “mind control,” “subliminal messaging,” and ways to justify taking away your means of self-defense (take away your guns)? They don’t want citizens. They want slaves.

The real reason no one went to jail under Trump’s watch is because he’s part of the team. Trump is part of the establishment. I’d be willing to bet that the one FBI lawyer who received the “slap on the wrist” wasn’t because of what he did was illegal, but rather it was because he was willing to sing like a canary. I’d be willing to bet that they said, “You think this over, next time someone asks you will you talk… you say ‘no, I don’t know anything.’” He’s being trained.





Written by Volshebny

A simple boy from the rural areas of upstate South Carolina. I've gotten around a bit. I've lived in various countries and seen many things.

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